    关键词  伺服系统  齿隙  PID控制  反步积分自适应控制
    Title The Research On Control Algorithm of Servo Systems with Backlash              
    Today,servo systems have been widely used in various applications.With the development of technology,there is an increasing demand for high servo systems performance.But,backlash is always present in the gear drive’s servo systems.
    Backlash has become an important factor in influcing the system’s stability、  dynamic performance and steady-state accuracy.
      The background and current situation of the backlash research is firstly described in this paper .Then we introduced three common models, and established containing backlash and backlash-free servo system model to analyze the impact of backlash nonlinearity on the servo system by using MATLAB. Then a differentiable approximation model is established to replace the dead zone model.Finally, we use PID control witch is an classic backlash control algorithm to simulate the servo system with backlash. To solve the problems encountered in PID simulation, integral backstepping adaptive control algorithm (BIA) is introduced. Finally, its simulation results are compared with PID control’s simulation results to verify the superiority of the algorithm.
    Keywords  servo systems  backlash  PID control  backstepping integral adaptive control
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  伺服系统齿隙问题研究现状    1
    1.3  本文所做工作    2
    2  齿隙研究    4
    2.1  齿隙分析    4
    2.2  齿隙模型    4
    2.3  含齿隙伺服系统建模    7
    2.4  齿隙非线性影响分析    9
    2.5  本章小结    11
    3  近似死区模型    12
    3.1  近似死区函数    12
    3.2  齿隙的近似死区模型    13
    3.3  本章小结    14
    4  PID控制    15
    4.1  PID控制原理    15
    4.2  PID参数设定    16
    4.3  PID控制系统建模    17
    4.4  本章小结    18
    5  反步积分自适应控制算法    19
    5.1  反步积分自适应控制理论    19
    5.2  齿隙的反步积分自适应控制器    21
    5.3  本章小结    29
    6  BIA与PID控制系统仿真结果分析    30
    6.1  仿真参数设定    30
    6.2  仿真结果及其分析    30
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