    摘要:随着经济条件的改善,人们对生活品质的要求也逐渐提高,“智能家居”的概念也逐步走进了公众视野。现如今,市场上也涌现出来许多以家庭为主的监控设备,但是大都比较单一,距离“系统”的概念还有距离。本文希望能以自己的视角,解读以家庭为代表的智能监控系统。论文从实际运用上,选取TI公司的基于CC2530芯片核心的开发设备,设计了基于Zigbee协议栈(Z-stack)的嵌入“家庭监控系统”。 其主要功能有:监控室内温湿度、监控空气(烟雾)质量、监控门窗开闭、监控人体活动等。在开发过程中,实现 Zigbee网络各传感器组网、传输接收并处理数据的基本功能;本系统解决协调器断电重启后路由器和节点不能再次加入协调器网络的问题;所开发的节点可以灵活更换不同类型的传感器。27757
    毕业论文关键词:    智能家居;Zigbee无线网络;家庭监控系统
    Design and Development of Home Monitoring System Based on ZigBee
    Abstract:     As economic conditions improve, people's quality of life requirements are also gradually improving, the concept of "Smart Home" is also gradually into the public view. Today, the market also emerged a number of family-based monitoring equipment, but most of the relatively simple, from the "System" concept as well as distance. In this paper, we are hoping to own perspective, interpret family as the representative of the intelligent monitoring system.Papers from the practical application, select Ti based on CC2530 chip core equipment for the development of design based on Z-stack embedded in the "Home Monitoring System". Its main function has: monitoring the indoor temperature and humidity, the monitoring of air (smoke) quality, monitor and control of the door open close and monitor human activity. In the development process, the realization of Zigbee network, the sensor network transmission and basic function of data processing. Including router in the network, the system solve the coordination for power off after the restart the router and node cannot rejoined the coordination problem of; the system to switch button to run the program, the same node replacement of different types of sensors can still normal use.
    Keywords:    Intelligent Home Furnishing; Zigbee wireless network; Home monitoring system;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究内容与意义    1
    1.1.1    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.1.2    智能监控系统应用现状    3
    1.2    系统使用的主要技术    3
    1.3    主要章节组织结构    4
    2    系统总需求分析与功能设计    5
    2.1    系统总体需求分析    5
    2.2    系统总体功能与结构设计    5
    3    系统的总体设计与实现    8
    3.1    基于ZIGBEE传感器的网络系统的设计与实现    8
    3.1.1    ZigBee无线网络系统的构建    8
    3.1.2    ZigBee无线网络组网实现    10
    3.1.3    网络通信测试    13
    3.2    家庭监控系统的设计与实现    15
    3.2.1    系统的硬件组成    16
    3.2.2    系统基本功能详细设计    18
    3.2.3    系统实现    18
    3.2.4    系统基本功能测试    28
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