    毕业论文关键词: 轨道交通;再生制动;逆变回馈;仿真
    Research and Simulation rail system energy feedback system
    Abstract: Urban rail transportation rely on electricity to power today's rapid development in technology, increasing electricity consumption for urban mass transit, its research and development of energy-saving technologies even more significant. In urban rail transit, the locomotive is in regenerative braking generates large amounts of brake energy regeneration to DC power system and accumulate in the DC power supply with braking energy can be fully absorbed by the adjacent locomotive on the same line or produce more energy than the locomotive brake line when the sum of all the electrical load, this excess energy causes the DC voltage increases, which will damage the power supply line electrical equipment. In view of urban rail vehicle regenerative braking energy produced by braking regenerative energy feedback system of studies have been conducted. Using renewable energy back into the grid to achieve the aim of energy-saving urban rail transit, the patterns are based on power transformation technology, so the focus of this article and it’s filtering and control technology of inverters.
    Using MATLAB /Simulink, established urban rail locomotive inverter energy feedback braking system simulation model. Through the design of the feedback system and its control strategy simulation and experimental results are compared, the results show that under inverter feedback strategy, to return the power to stabilize the system, the harmonic content of the output meets the power requirements, proved the feasibility of the system.
    Keywords: rail traffic ; regenerative braking ; inverter feedback; simulation
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2 城市轨道交通的发展    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状与水平    2
    第二章 城市轨道列车供电系统    3
    2.1 供电系统的组成    3
    2.2城轨动车主传动系统工作原理    4
    第三章 城市轨道列车再生制动能量吸收利用    6
    3.1 城市轨道列车制动方式    6
    3.1.1 车载电阻制动    6
    3.1.2 能量回馈制动    6
    3.2 城市轨道交通再生制动技术    7
       3.2.1 电阻耗能型    7
       3.2.2 电容储能型    8
       3.2.3逆变回馈型    9
    3.3 城轨列车再生制动能量特性分析    10
       3.3.1 再生制动能量的产生机理    10
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