    关键词  智能小车  运动控制  路径跟踪   PID控制
    Title     Research on Motion Control of the Intelligent Vehicle           
    Intelligent vehicle is a significant branch of the research on robotics. Motion control of the intelligent car is the most important part of the whole vehicle system, and it plays a vital role in the smooth operation of the intelligent vehicle.
    Firstly, a steering model, a motor model and a kinematic model of the foul-wheel intelligent vehicle were established. Then, one of the important research of intelligent vehicle for motion control - path tracking control, were studied. PID control method was used to combine the steer and speed of the vehicle to change the status of the intelligent vehicle. And the vehicle steering controller and speed controller were designed. Finally, the simulation process was designed. The simulation results showed that the control algorithm was effective.
    The steer control system and speed control system were designed in order to make out the path tracking control algorithm. The control algorithm was proved effective by using Matlab to simulate the operation of the system.  
    Keywords  intelligent car   motion control   path tracking   PID control
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1
    1.2  国内外发展状况 1
    1.4  论文研究内容及安排 2
    2  智能小车动力学建模 4
    2.1  舵机模型 4
    2.2  电机模型 4
    2.3  小车运动学模型 7
    2.4  本章小结 9
    3  智能小车路径跟踪控制研究 10
    3.1  PID控制方法介绍 10
    3.2  速度PI控制器设计分析 11
    3.3  转向PD控制器设计分析 12
    3.4  小车整体运动控制 12
    3.5  PID控制器参数整定 13
    3.6  小车速度与转角给定策略 14
    3.7  本章小结 14
    4  仿真与分析 15
    4.1  总体框架设计 15
    4.2  仿真整体框图与小车模型 15
    4.3  仿真结果与分析 16
    结论  19
    致谢  20
    参考文献 21
    1  引言
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义
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