    摘要系统整体的不稳定性、动态性能的恶化等现象大都源于时滞的存在,所以时滞对系统的控制性能有何影响以及如何正确利用该影响的益处,同时尽可能的消除该影响的弊处一直是控制学领域研究的热点。系统参数辨识和系统时滞辨识是时滞系统辨识的基本问题, 由于时滞辨识和参数辨识研究本身具有的难度,尤其是实时辨识的实现,因此时滞系统参数辨识的研究具有重要的意义。
    关键词  线性定常时滞系统 参数实时辨识 代数法 
    Title  Study on the algebraic parameter estimation method for the time-delay systems                                    
    Time delays are often encountered in various practical system. It has been shown that the existence of delays in a dynamic system may result in instability, oscillations or poor performance. Therefore, the stability analysis and the synthesis of controllers for time-delay systems have received considerable attention over the decades. System parameters and delay identification is the basic problem for the delay system identification. Study on the delays and parameter identification has its inherent difficulty, especially for real-time identification. Therefore,the study of the problem is significant.
    On the basis of the study of the research methods and the difficulty of parameter identification of time-delay systems, we design a algebraic parameter identification method for a class of delay systems. It provides a numerical example and simulation in Matlab to verify the effectiveness of this method.
    Keywords  time-delay system  parameter identification  algebraic method
    目    次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容    4
    1.4  论文结构安排    4
    2  参数可辨识性和辨识法    6
    2.1  线性系统参数可辨识性判定及辨识法    6
    2.2  时滞系统参数可辨识性判定    7
    2.3  时滞系统参数辨识法    8
    2.4  小结    10
    3  线性定常时滞系统的代数参数辨识法    10
    3.1  线性时滞系统参数辨识    10
    3.2  数值算例及仿真    12
    3.3  小结    21
    结论    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1    绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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