    Title   Design of High Precision Ultrasonic Speed   Measuring Device                                          
         It is always an important subject in scientific research and industrial field that the measurement of the velocity of fluid flow. For example,the gas flow velocity in the pipe or furnace is measured,which affect the operating efficiency of the system directly.This paper designs a high precision ultrasonic wind speed measuring device based on the time difference method,then complete the device and carry the wind tunnel experiments to verified the feasibility of the speed measurement device. Following experimental studies around the purpose of this paper:
         1)Complement the design of ultrasonic wind speed measuring device According to the principle of the time difference method and the size of wind tunnel,then select the corresponding ultrasonic transducer and complement the experimental apparatus.
         2)Carry the experiment in wind tunnel at the wind speed of 3m/s,5m/s,7m/s,10m/s,13m/s,15m/s,20m/s,25m/s,then collect the experiment data.The data were analyzed by Origin, and the results were in good agreement with the real values.
    Keywords  Ultrasonic velocity measurement,Time Difference Method,       HG-1 wind tunnel
    1.绪论    1
    1.1课题背景    1
    1.2普通风速测量方法    1
    1.3超声波风速测量方法    2
    1.4超声波测速的发展    3
    1.5本文主要工作    4
    2  时差法超声测速系统设计    6
    2.1  时差法超声测速原理    6
    2.2  超声波的发送与接收    7
    2.2.1  超声波换能器    7
    2.2.2  试验台    8
    2.2.3  驱动信号源    9
    2.2.4  接收信号采集设备    9
    2.2.5  换能器的安装方式    9
    2.2.6  工控机    10
    2.3  时差法超声测速设计计算    10
    2.3.1  系统总体设计计算    10
    2.3.2  风洞条件下的设计计算    12
    3  超声波精确风速测量装置风洞实验研究    13
    3.1  风洞条件下实验系统    13
    3.1.1  实验装置    13
    3.1.2  实验步骤    14
    3.2  风洞条件下实验结果    14
    3.2.1  使用20KHz频率的测速结果    15
    3.2.2  使用40KHz频率的测速结果    20
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