    关键词  螺纹旋铣  有限元  切削力  切削温度  残余应力
    Title    Finite Element Simulation of Hard Cutting Based  on ABAQUS                                              
    AS the innovation in thread whirling machining ,researches on the cutting force,temperature distribution and residual stress are essential.However,works on thread whirling remain scarce.A planner finite element model(FEM) has been created in ABAQUS to analyze hard whirling.The FEM was developed based on material properties,Johnson-Cook constitutive model,tool-chip interface friction,chip separation criterion,damage evolution and heat transfer.The mesh on the sharp corner of the chip was settled to simulate and study the cutting force,temperature distribution and the residual stress in cutting process.The maximum of a cutting force curve is around the maximum cutting depth.The cutting force increases as the maximum cutting depth increases.The maximum temperature in temperature distribution increases first and then tends to be stable, which increases obviously as cutting depth and cutting speed increase,while decreases by a small margin as the rake angle increases from 5°to 9°.The saw-tooth chip can be formed when cutting speed is 4m/s. The cutting force and maximum temperature fluctuate during saw-tooth chip formation.The residual stress decreases obviously after cooling.Residual compressive stress was obtained after cooling.The maximum of residual stress is about 0.005mm beneath work-piece surface.
    Keywords  hard whirling,finite element model,cutting force,temperature distribution, residual stress
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  引言 1
    1.2  课题来源 1
    1.3  硬态切削技术 1
    1.4  课题研究方法现状 2
    1.5  课题主要研究内容及意义 3
    2   螺纹硬态旋风铣削有限元建模 5
    2.1  引言 5
    2.2  有限元方法概述及ABAQUS软件 6
    2.3  几何模型的建立 10
    2.4  材料属性及本构模型 13
    2.5  材料失效准则 14
    2.6  刀屑接触与传热 17
    2.7  小结 20
    3   基于ABAQUS的螺纹旋风铣有限元仿真结果析 21
    3.1  引言 21
    3.2  切削力的仿真结果及分析 21
    3.3  温度场的仿真结果及分析 25
    3.5  残余应力的仿真结果及分析 28
    3.6  小结 29
    结论与展望 30
    致谢  31
    参考文献 32
    1  绪论
    1.1  引言
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