    摘要近年来,单片机技术得到迅猛发展,并被广泛应用于生活、生产的各个领域,为大家的生活带来的极大的方便。即热电热水器是类似于生活普通电热水器而功能更多、应用更广、使用方便、安全、节能的新兴产品,正逐步取代普通热水器,成为家庭生活必不可缺的主要家用电器之一。 本设计使用 AT89C51 单片机系统为控制器来控制电路,整个电路以单片机为系统中心,包括电源电路、过零检测电路、加热控制电路、温度/频率转换电路、LED 显示电路、按键输入电路和蜂鸣报警电路。 文章分为硬件设计和软件设计两部分进行介绍,硬件部分电源电路采用普通的 220V 交流电经过降压整流,控制器采用工作可靠的 51 单片机。系统集成稳压器采用 7805 型号,其稳压输出为+5 伏,按键则采用二位共阳极数码管,由型号为9012 的2个三极管驱动,再加上3个 LED灯来指示加热功率。报警电路采用电压为 5V的自鸣式蜂鸣报警器。软件部分用 C语言编程,其在功能上、结构上和可文护性上都具有明显的优势,最后通过 Proteus 软件仿真,验证了设计的可实施性,设计出使用方便、安全、节能、环保的即热式电热水器系统。   30480
    毕业论文关键词  单片机 即热式电热水器 硬件设计 软件设计 C语言 Proteus 软件
    Title    Design of  Tankless  electric water heater control system
    Abstract   In recent years, MCU technology has been rapidly developed,it is widely used in our life 、product and other areas.It had really brought great convenience  for  everyone's life.  Tankless water heater  is  similar  to general   electric   water    heaters and it has more functions、more applications.It is  convenient、save and save energy,It  is gradually replacing the ordinary  electric  water  heaters and has become the main force of our life. This design uses AT89C51 MCU system controller to control the circuit.  SCM is the center of the entire circuit,it includes the power supply circuit, the zero-crossing detection circuit, the heating control circuit, the temperature / frequency conversion circuit, LED display circuit, and the key input circuit buzzer alarm circuit. The article is pided into two parts,hardware and software are introduced . Hardware part of the power circuit uses the ordinary 220V AC rectifier buck,  The controller uses reliable  51  microcontroller.With  7805 integrated voltage regulator ,the system has been output the voltage of +5 volts. Buttons use two common anode LEDs,it is driven by two 9012 transistors and it uses 3 LED lights to indicate the heating power. Alarm circuit is a 5V self-alarm buzzer alarm. Software section uses C language to  programme.  It has  obvious advantages in function, structure and maintainability. Finally, we use Proteus software to simulate.It verifys that the design can be implemented, with many advantages just like easy to use, safe, energy-saving, environmentally  and  friendly  ,we have finished the electric hot water heater system.  
    Keywords: 51 Microcontroller   Tankless water heater  hardware design Software design  C languge  Proteus software  
    目   次
    1 绪论1
    1.1 选题背景及意义1
    1.2 研究现状1
    1.3 设计的任务及要求2
    1.3.1 本课题应达到的目的2
    1.3.2 本设计课题任务内容和要求2
    1.3.3 设计采用方案及成果要求3
    2 即热式电热水器简介4
    2.1 即热式电热水器特点4
    2.2 即热式电热水器组成4
    2.3 即热式电热水器工作原理4
    3 即热式电热水器硬件设计6
    3.1 单片机简介6
    3.1.1 51单片机简介6
    3.1.2 单片机组成6
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