    摘要:    随着全球能源危机和环境污染的日益严重,开发和利用可持续的清洁再生能源势在必行,风电并网是解决这一问题的方式之一。并网逆变器作为可再生能源与电网的接口,发挥着重要的作用,其性能直接影响到能源利用效率和电能质量。本论文主要介绍了基于电网电压定向的三相并网逆变器系统,阐述了其拓扑结构,工作原理以及实现方式。介绍了其在三相静止坐标系、两相静止坐标系和两相旋转坐标系的转换。利用基于电网电压的矢量控制方法对变换器进行控制,进行 坐标系下的电流解耦,控制系统中有功无功电流,完成系统参数设计。搭建电压型PWM变换器仿真模型,并且采用空间矢量调制(SVPWM)技术进行仿真实验,阐述零矢量集中和分散的不同。分析和研究滤波器参数对于电能质量的影响。5880
    关键词: SVPWM;电网电压定向;电能质量;风电并网;MATLAB/SIMULINK
    Power quality analysis and simulation of wind power grid-connected inverter
    Abstract:     With the global energy crisis and environmental pollution is worsening, development and use of sustainable clean renewable energy is imperative, wind power is the solution to this problem one way. And inverter as a renewable energy and grid interface plays an important role in its performance directly affects the energy efficiency and power quality. This paper describes the on grid voltage orientation phase grid-connected inverter system, described its topological structure, working principle and implementation. This paper introduces its three-phase stationary coordinate system, two-phase and two-phase stationary coordinate system rotating coordinate system conversion. Use based on the grid voltage vector control method of the converter to control the coordinate system under the current decoupling, the control system of active and reactive current, complete system design parameters. Build a voltage type PWM inverter simulation model, and using space vector modulation (SVPWM) technology for simulation experiments to explain the zero vectors centralized and decentralized different. Analysis and study of filter parameters for the power quality.
    Keywords:    SVPWM; voltage oriented control; power quality; Wind Power Grid; MATLAB/SIMULINK
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.1.1    国内外风电产业发展情况    1
    1.1.2    风力发电系统概述    2
    1.2    并网逆变器现状    5
    1.3    本文主要研究内容    6
    2    电网侧逆变器的控制    7
    2.1    坐标变换    7
    2.2    电网侧逆变器的数学模型    9
    2.3    电网侧逆变器的仿真模型    14
    本章小结    15
    3    系统仿真    16
    3.1    MATLAB/SIMULINK环境简介    16
    3.2    系统仿真模型    17
    3.3    SVPWM的仿真    18
    3.3.1    空间矢量调制算法    19
    3.3.2    基本空间矢量定义    19
    本章小结    29
    4    风电并网电能质量分析    30
    4.1    风电并网引起的电网电能质量问题    30
    4.1.1    风电并网引起的电网电压偏差    30
    4.1.2    风电并网引起的电网电压波动和闪变    30
    4.1.3    网引起的电网谐波污染    31
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