    1.用组态软件对5层电梯进行模拟并编写PLC控制程序,计算机通过串行通信方式与PLC交换信息,用PLC控制“虚拟”电梯。虚拟电梯的轿厢和门通过软件中命令语言编写的程序执行相应的动作,用画面中的指示灯显示来自 PLC的各种信息。
    关键词:  电梯;模拟;控制;组态软件; PLC
    The design of multi-layer virtual elevator model based on configuration software
    Abstract: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the most consumption of computerized industrial controlling device. The courses on PLC are now offered in almost all technological universities. PLC experimental classes need controlled equipments made up of hardware, simulating the controlled plant of PLC by computer can enrich the content of experimental class and enhance the teaching effect with a cheaper and persified process.
    Configuration software is a computer monitoring software for control system, which is easy to generate the graphic and communicate with PLC. It is the best software to simulate the controlled plants. Using "King View", a configuration software, the author simulated an elevator in two ways:
    1.The simulation of a five-storey elevator with the configuration software. With the "virtual" controlling programs written for PLC, the information exchange between the computer and the PLC has been implemented through the serial communication, and then, the elevator is controlled by the PLC. By software command language program, the virtual elevator car and the door execute an action accordingly, and the indicator in screen displays a variety of information from the PLC.
    2. The pure software simulation of five-storey elevator control system with the configuration software. This simulation uses the command languages of the software, with which the elevator is also simulated, to control the virtual elevator instead of user's PLC programs. Such simulation control system can help students to understand deeply and use configuration software better; it has great value in the teaching.
    Keyword: Elevator;Simulation;Control;Confition Software;PLC

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的意义    1
    1.2  国内外现状综述    1
    1.3  用组态软件模拟电梯的基本思路    2
    1.4  论文的主要工作    2
    2  电梯基本知识与控制原理    3
    2.1  电梯基本知识简介    3
    2.1.1  电梯的主要组成部分    3
    2.1.2  电梯监控探讨    5
    2.2  电梯控制功能综述    5
    3  纯软件电梯仿真控制系统的设计    7
    3.1  组态软件简介    7
    3.1.1  组态软件的功能    7
    3.1.2  组态软件的特点    8
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