    摘要:随着人们对生活品质的高要求,使空调也随之成为了必不可少的一部分。与此同时,空调系统的设备质量与性能的提高也成为必要。由于我们熟知的传统定风量空调系统已经不能满足相应的先进性要求,需要建立适时地个性化调节,尤其是在一些应用的场合中像是一些负荷变化大的建筑物、多区域控制的建筑物中,能够充分满足分区控制等要求的空调系统。而在这个领域中,变风量(VAV)空调系统无疑是这个领域内比较先进的一种楼宇中央空调系统,因其具有的舒适性、节能等特点,成为一个理想的选择,也在人们的生活学习工作环境中日益普及者。因此,本文中为了分析研究变风量空调系统的运行特性,先根据研究内容和目的的需要,来分析空调系统各个环节特点,对变风量空调技术由浅至深的分析,了解到其有多变量、强耦合、非线性等这些特点,为之后的VAV空调系统建模做好铺垫,之后再建立VAV空调系统主要部件的数学模型,并根据多变量控制系统各变量之间有耦合存在的特点, 利用模糊解耦的方法建立了相应的基础数学模型,为提高变风量空调系统中室内温度回路的控制精度和品质打下基础。35031
    毕业论文关键词: 变风量空调系统;数学建模;模糊解耦控制;送风温度
    Analysis and modeling of variable air volume air conditioning system
    Abstract:With the high demand of people to the quality of life, so air conditioning has become an essential part of the. At the same time, the improvement of the quality and performance of the air conditioning system is also necessary. Because we are familiar with the traditional constant air volume air conditioning system has been unable to meet the corresponding advanced requirements, the need to establish timely inpidual regulation especially in some application occasions like some load changes in large buildings, multi zone control of buildings, can fully meet the zoning control requirements of the air conditioning system. And in this field, variable air volume (VAV air conditioning system )is undoubtedly the more advanced a central air-conditioning system in buildings, because of its comfort and energy-saving characteristics become an ideal choice, also in people's life learning environment becomes more and more popular. Therefore, this paper to analysis of variable air volume air conditioning system operating characteristics, first according to the content and purpose of the study to analyze each link the characteristics of air conditioning system, of variable air volume air conditioning technology from shallow to deep analysis.It is understood that the characteristics of the system is the basis for the modeling of VAV air conditioning system after the modeling of the VAV air conditioning system, and the mathematical model of the main parts of the air conditioning system is established.And according to the characteristics of the coupling between the multi-variable control system variables,the basic mathematical model is established by using the method of fuzzy decoupling.In order to improve the indoor temperature loop control precision and quality of the air conditioning system.
    KeyWords:VAV air-conditioning system;Mathematics model;Fuzzy decoupling control ;Air temperature
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    变风量空调系统的概况以及发展现状    1
    1.2    VAV空调控制系统控制方法的分析    2
    1.2.1    模糊控制    2
    1.2.2    神经网络    3
    1.3    本章小结    3
    2    变风量空调系统的分析    3
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