    Ac variable frequency speed control system design based on DSP
    Abstract:With the development of power electronic technology, as well as a variety of new control device in motor speed control system and advanced control method, the application of ac motor control accuracy has been greatly improved, gradually replace the dc speed control, play an important role in the field of electric drive.
    NMCL - 13 b frequency control experiment platform as the research object in this thesis, to understand the performance of TMS320F2812 chip and the composition of the DSP minimal system, this paper expounds the basic principle of V/F frequency control of motor speed, the voltage space vector (SVPWM) control strategy and algorithm, using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation software to build the simulation model of SVPWM and the variable frequency speed regulation system. Using CCS development software will load the target plate, the MATLAB simulation model to complete the DSP parameters configuration, debugging results show that the performance of the variable frequency speed regulation system has reached the design requirements
    Key words: DSP;AC variable frequency;SVPWM;MATLAB simulation;CCS development software
     目  录
    1  绪言    1
    1.1  课题研究的意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状及发展趋势    1
    1.2.1  电力电子技术的发展    1
    1.2.2  国内外变频技术的发展情况    2
    1.3  课题研究的主要内容    3
    2  基于DSP变频调速系统硬件介绍    4
    2.1  硬件结构介绍    4
    2.1.1  TMS320F2812简介    4
    2.1.2  主电路    5
    2.1.3  DSP最小系统    5
    2.1.4  JTAG仿真口    7
    2.2  系统开发环境介绍    8
    3  交流电机变频调速原理    10
    3.1  交流调速方式    10
    3.2  变频调速的V/f控制方式    10
    3.3 PWM控制方式    12
    3.4    采用V/F控制的变频调速系统    14
    4  SVPWM控制策略及仿真建模    15
    4.1逆变器原理及电压空间矢量    15
    4.2电压与磁链空间矢量的关系    17
    4.3  SVPWM仿真建模    18
    4.3.1  计算矢量 所处的扇区    18
    4.3.2.  X、Y、Z的计算    19
    4.3.3作用时间T1、T2的计算    19
    4.3.4  切换点Tcm1、Tcm2、Tcm3    20
    4.3.5    采用SVPWM控制的交流电机变频系统仿真模型    21
    5  基于DSP2812变频调速系统的设计    23
    5.1  DSP2812变频调速控制开发流程    24
    5.1.1速度模块配置    26
    5.1.2中断控制模块开发流程    32
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