    摘要电子信息产业的不断发展,信号频率的测量在科技研究和实际应用中的作用日益重要。分析数字频率计的功能,完成功能模块的划分,分别用Verily HDL语言完成底层模块的设计和以原理图的方法完成顶层模块的设计,对各模块进行仿真分析,并在硬件平台进行测试。35404
    数字频率计是一种用十进制数字显示被测信号频率的数字测量仪器,它的基本功能是测量正弦信号、方波信号、尖脉冲信号以及其它各种单位时间内变化的物理量。数字频率计是用数字显示被测信号频率的仪器,被测信号可以是正弦波,方波或其它周期性变化的信号。如配以适当的传感器,可以对多种物理量进行测试,比如机械振动的频率,转速,声音的频率以及产品的计件等等。 因此,数字频率计是应用很广泛的。  
    毕业论文关键词:FPGA模块;STM32单片机;高速比较器;Verily HDL语言
    The development of electronic information industry, the role of signal frequency measurements in science and technology research and practical applications is increasingly important. Analysis of digital frequency meter function, complete pision of functional modules, each module to complete the design and to the underlying principle of the method is completed diagram design top module with Verily HDL language, simulation analysis for each module and hardware platform for testing.
    Digital frequency meter is a decimal digital display of the measured signal frequency digital measuring instruments, its basic function is to measure sinusoidal signals, square wave signal, a sharp pulse signal and various other units within the time-varying quantities. Digital frequency meter with digital display instrument measured signal frequency, the signal may be a sine wave, square wave or other periodic changing signals. As with appropriate sensors, it can be a variety of physical tests, such as mechanical vibration frequency, speed, sound frequency and product piecework like. Therefore, the digital frequency meter is very broad application.
    The high-speed comparator and complete measurement module FPGA design, and ultimately related functions on STM32 microcontroller, and the index has reached the predetermined requirements.
    This paper focuses on the design method of digital frequency meter. In content, first introduced FPGA module and the basic principles of STM32 microcontroller; Secondly, FPGA module and STM32 microcontroller knowledge; complete digital frequency meter design; digital frequency meter final to be realized in the FPGA module and STM32 microcontroller
    Keywords: FPGA module; STM32 microcontroller; high-speed comparators; Verilog HDL language
    摘 要    III
    Abstract    IV
    第一章  绪论    3
    1.1 数字频率计的发展现状及研究概况    3
    1.2 本课题研究背景及主要研究意义    3
    1.3 设计功能和指标    3
    第二章 系统方案设计    5
    2.1  测频方案论证    5
    2.2  整形电路方案论证    6
    2.3 系统整体框图    6
    2.4 测量原理与理论分析    7
    2.4.1  等精度测频法原理    7
    2.4.2  脉宽测量与占空比测量原理    9  脉冲测量原理    9
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