    摘要  轨道交通无线通信系统是轨道交通内部固定人员之间进行高效通信联络的重要手段,本文主要通过对地铁数字集群通信系统的学习,对数字集群通信系统技术体制、系统组成和功能特点的分析,对地铁无线调度子系统的特殊需求进行了分析,提出了无线调度子系统车载台的设计方案。35432
         通过学习了解到TETRA 的设计主要是为专用网调度服务。地铁无线调度通信系统就是采用 TETRA 数字集群系统。在比较各种编译语言使用的难易程度和实现情况,选取vb作为本课题的编译语言。通过对列车车载台的功能分析后,选取了车载台直通模式与集群模式转换和读取组号功能,通过vb设计出了合理的人机界面,将产品的AT指令发送给车载台实现与车载台的联调功能,模拟了实际中车载台在地铁运行过程中通信调度的功能。
    The subway train radio system cab radio design
    Abstract:Rail wireless communication system is an important means of rail traffic between internal fixation and efficient communications and liaison officers, the paper studies the subway digital trunking communication system, through the digital trunking communication system and technology system, system components, and analysis features, and on the subway wireless the special needs of the scheduling subsystem analyzes proposed scheduling subsystem wireless transceiver design. Digital trunking system in the success of the world depends largely on its own excellent performance.
             TETRA mainly private network scheduling network design. Metro wireless dispatch communication system is the use of TETRA digital trunking system, mainly for fixed radio stations, each train car radio, hand held scheduling capabilities to provide voice and data capabilities between the station and control station, to ensure traffic safety and emergency incidents have irreplaceable role, while providing an essential means of communication for each department.
            TETRA terminal products written for AT command instructions to complete the commissioning of the end product.
    KeyWords:Digital Trunking;Vehicle radio paltform;Scheduling System
    1. 绪论    1
      1.1  课题的背景和意义    1
      1.2国内外发展水平    2
        1.2.1  国外研发状况    2
        1.2.2  我国的研发状况    2
      1.3  发展趋势    3
    2.地铁数字集群移动通信系统概况    4
    2.1  集群通信简介    4
        2.1.2  集群通信共网与集群通信专网的区别    4
        2.1.3数字集群简介    5
      2.2  TETRA系统概述    5
        2.2.1  TETRA系统简介    5
        2.2.2   TETRA的系统特点    6
        2.2.3   TETRA标准概况    7
      2.3地铁数字集群移动通信系统功能    8
      2.4  地铁数字集群移动通信系统构成    9
    3.TETRA数字集群通信系统介绍    10
      3.1  TETRA 标准族    10
      3.2 TETRA 的技术体制    10
        3.2.1  主要技术特性    10
        3.2.2  空中接口协议栈    11
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