
    关键词:  微电容读出电路  MS3110  ADS1255  AVR单片机  
    Title Design of the micro-capacitor readout circuit of MEMS capacitive accelerometer Based on MS3110      
    MEMS accelerometer has the advantages of smaller in volume, integrated function, high reliability, and low cost.It is an important application field of  MEMS technology. Capacitive MEMS accelerometer is a main kind of MEMS accelerometer. Because the interface circuit made up of the traditional discrete components can not meet the demand of precision and size, a matching interface integrated circuit is of great application value for the capacitive MEMS sensor. On the basis of knowing the performance and the method of setting parameters by studing the MS3110 chip carefully, the MS3110 chip is used as the interface circuit of the the capacitive MEMS sensor, and the high resolution dection of micro-capacitance in this kind of sensor is achieved..
    The design of the micro-capacitor readout circuit of MEMS capacitive accelerometer based on MS3110 is introduced in this paper. Firstly, the principle of the micro-capacitor readout circuit is expatiated according to the overall design, in addition, the MS3110 universal capacitive readout IC and the analog to digital converter ADS1255 used in this circuit are introduced. Then, the reason for the selection of micro controller and performance of Atmega16 MCU are also presented. On the basis , the software design and the test resaults are aslo introduced.
    The test results show that the micro-capacitor readout circuit based on MS3110 has good stability and linearity.
    Keywords:  the micro-capacitor readout circuit   MS3110   ADS1255  AVR  
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  MEMS电容式传感器微电容检测方法概述    1
    1.2  主要研究内容    3
    2  总体方案设计及主要芯片介绍    5
    2.1 微电容读出电路总体方案    5
    2.2 通用电容读出芯片MS3110    5
    2.2.1  MS3110内部结构及工作原理    5
    2.2.2  MS3110应用特性    7
    2.3 ADC芯片ADS1255    13
    2.3.1  ADS1255结构    14
    2.3.2  ADS1255数据输出格式    15
    2.3.3  ADS1255寄存器及指令    15
    2.4  微控制器ATmega16    16
    3微电容读出电路的硬件设计    18
    3.1  MS3110应用电路设计    18
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