    建筑太阳能供暖系统设计 摘要: 由于传统化石能源储量有限,使用过程中污染环境。太阳能作为一种可再生能源,取之不尽用之不竭,利用过程不会造成环境污染,将成为未来能源结构的重要组成部分。太阳能供暖技术是以太阳能辐射为热源,补偿建筑物的耗热损失,以文持室温达到一定标准的一种新型供暖方式。以上海市一套两层小型别墅为例,设计了一套太阳能集热器供暖系统。系统设计包括建筑文护结构耗热量的计算,采暖系统以及热水系统方案的选择与确定,散热器的选择,太阳能集热器选型和集热面积的计算,蓄热水箱容积的计算以及水力计算。 主要参数有该建筑总热负荷为9890.79 W, 设计供回水温度为 75℃/50℃。该太阳能供暖系统能够满足别墅冬季供暖要求,技术先进,具有较高的能量转换效率。 关键词:  太阳能供暖;散热器;太阳能集热器;系统设计6215
     Design of a Building Heating System by Solar Energy   
    Abstract:    As traditional fossil energy reserves are limited and extensive use of conventional
    energy has a adversely affect on environment. Solar energy, as  renewable energy, and using
    the process does not cause environmental pollution.  So the solar energy will become an
    important part in the future energy mix.  Solar heating  as  a new way of heating.  It  takes
    advantage of solar radiation as the heat producer  to compensate the heat loss of buildings  in
    order to maintain the room temperature reaches a certain standard. Taking a set of two layers
    of small villa in Shanghai as an example, designed a set of solar collector heating system. The
    system design  include  the building maintenance structure calculation of heat consumption,
    selection and determination of the heating system and hot water system solutions, the choice
    of the radiator, solar collector selection and calculation of the collector area and calculating
    the volume of storage tank and hydraulic calculation. The main parameters include total heat
    load of the building is 9890.79 W, designed supply and return wate temperature is 75℃/50℃.
    It need meet the requirements of house heating, technologically advanced and has high energy
    conversion efficiency.
    Keywords:   Solar heating; Radiator; Solar thermal collector; System design   ii
    摘要  ..  i
    Abstract    i
    目录  .  ii
    1  绪论  ... 1
    1.1  太阳能供暖的概述   1
    1.2  国内外研究现状与水平  .. 2
    1.2.1  我国太阳能供暖技术的研究现状  ... 2
    1.2.2  国外太阳能供暖研究现状与水平  ... 3
    1.3  发展趋势  . 3
    2  设计概况   5
    2.1  工程概况  . 5
    2.2  设计依据  . 5
    2.2.1  建筑概况  ... 5
    2.2.2  文护结构热工参数  .. 5
    2.2.3  室外气象参数   5
    2.2.4  室内设计温度参数  .. 6
    3  太阳能供暖系统设计   7
    3.1  建筑热负荷计算  .... 7
    3.1.1  外墙、楼板或屋顶散热  .... 7
    3.1.2  外窗散热  ... 8
    3.1.3  外门散热  ... 9
    3.1.4  内墙、内门、内窗或中间楼板散热  .. 10
    3.2  散热器设计计算  .. 12
    3.2.1  散热器面积的计算   12
    3.2.2  散热器的选型  ... 13
    3.2.3  散热器的布置  ... 14
    3.3  系统方案的选择  .. 15
    3.3.1  供暖系统的选择  .... 15
    3.3.2  系统方案的确定  .... 16
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