    摘要:2l世纪是信息化的世纪,电信技术和互联网技术推动了人类文明的巨大进步。如何把这两个技术运用到家庭居住,为居民提供安全、舒心的生活,成为一个热门课题。为此,笔者通过介绍GPRS技术,采用STM 32F103VE MCU开发板和SIM 300 两个主要模块,进行GPRS家庭防盗系统的开发。
    关键词:单片机 , uC/OS-II操作系统, 嵌入式开发 ,GPRS
    The Development of Home Security System Based on GPRS
    Abstract:     2l century is the century of information technology. Telecommunication technology and Internet technology promote the progress of human civilization. How these two techniques are applied to provide a safe, comfortable living for the residents, has become a hot topic. Therefore, the author introduces the GPRS technology, develop the Home Security System by using two main modules STM 32F103VE MCU development board and SIM 300.
    After the study of many aspects, the whole paper can be pided into the camera, infrared, GPRS, MP3, touch screen  functional modules in accordance with the pision of functions. In order to facilitate communication with each other, each function module, call switching, the operating system is an inevitable move. After a series of trade-offs, the final choice of the uC/OS-II real-time operating system. Development involves multiple peripherals, and these peripherals are required to write drivers, drivers including Led lights, Key, serial communication, SD card, LCD touch screen, MP3 and camera etc.. At the same time, also needs to carry on the uC/OS-II operating system and FATFS file transfer. The next task is to various hardware device drivers on partition to each task, set priorities, to achieve the system running normally.
    After verification, system can complete the basic functions, to achieve the desired effect. The system with  power consumption, small volume, low cost, portability  has a good prospect.
    Keywords:    MCU, uC/OS-II operating system, embedded development,GPRS
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国外智能家居发展情况    1
    1.2    国内智能家居发展情况    2
    1.3    中国物联网环境大环境    2
    1.4    国内智能家居的市场前景    2
    1.5    本次毕业设计的主要内容    3
    2    系统的综合分析    4
    2.1    系统功能描述    4
    2.2    开发平台的选择    4
    2.3    可行性分析    7
    3    系统硬件设计    9
    3.1    系统硬件介绍    9
    3.1.1    STM32F103VET 开发板    9
    3.1.2    GPRS模块    12
    3.1.3    摄像头    13
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