    江苏师范  摘    要 交流电机现在已经被广泛应用在我们的生活之中,我们对交流电机的性能也有越来越高的要求。在这些性能中,电机的调速性能尤为重要,电机好的调速性能可以对提高效率、节省能源有着重要的影响。在本论文中会重点对交流电机的不同调速方法的原理进行研究。 本文通过 MATLAB 软件来对交流调速系统进行仿真,并通过仿真加深对交流调速系统的理解和认识。本文首先介绍了主流的调速方法,并且简要的分析了一下各自的长短处。然后着重分析研究了调压调速系统和变频调速系统的原理,在理解原理的基础之上分别构建了交流调压调速系统和变频调速系统的仿真模型,并且在 MATLAB 里对模型进行了仿真。仿真具体做了单闭环交流电动机调压调速系统和变频调速系统里面的 SPWM 内置波调速系统和 SPWM 外置波调速系统的仿真。通过自己做仿真,对这些交流调速系统有了更加深刻的认识。 本文是通过仿真软件来研究的,但实际情况中并不像仿真软件中这么理想,所以我们也要注重实际,将理论与实际相结合。38045 
    毕业论文关 键 词:  调速系统   SPWM   异步电动机
    Abstract AC motors are now widely used in our daily life. And our requirements for their performance is becoming higher and higher. Of their capabilities, the speed control performance is particularly important, which plays a major role in raising efficiency and saving energy. This paper will focus on the study of theories concerning different ways of speed regulation used in AC motors. In this paper, we use the software of MATLAB to do the simulation of alternating current governor system, helping us to come to a better understanding and knowledge of it. First, the  paper introduces several mainstream speed governing methods and briefly analyze their own advantages and disadvantages. Then it makes a analytic investigation of theory of variable voltage speed control system and variable frequency speed control system, based on which we build a simulation model of them and do the simulation in the MATLAB software. The simulation includes  Single closed-loop ac motor speed regulating system and SPWM inner wave speed regulation system and SPWM wave speed control system in variable frequency speed control system. I have a better understanding of alternating current governor system by doing the simulation by myself. The research is done by the simulation software, so the physical truth is not as ideal as it. We still have to pay attention to the fact and integrate theory with practice. 
    Key word: Speed-system, SPWM, Asynchronous machine
    目   录
    摘   要  I
    1  引言  .  1
    1.1  课题的目的及意义  .  1
    1.2  国内外研究状况和进展    2
    1.3  本文研究的主要内容 .  5
    2  MATLAB 简介与交流调压调速系统的仿真研究    6
    2.1  MATLAB及交流调速系统常用模块简介  .  6
    2.2  异步电动机变压时的机械特性    9
    2.3  异步电动机的调压调速电路  .  11
    2.4  闭环控制的异步电动机调压调速系统及其特性 .  12
    2.4.1   具有速度负反馈的调压调速系统及其静特性    12
    2.4.2   闭环调压调速系统的动态结构图 .  13
    2.5 交流调压调速系统的仿真    15
    2.6  本章小结  .  18
    3  交流异步电动机交压变频调速系统    18
    3.1  变压变频调速的基本控制方式    19
    3.2  异步电动机变频控制时的机械特性  .  20
  1. 上一篇:异步电机的数学建模及MATLAB仿真研究
  2. 下一篇:风力发电电能变换装置的研究与设计
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