    毕业论文关键词:   电压稳定  电压崩溃   无功补偿  负荷特性  故障切除时间
    Abstract Recent years due to the rapid development of the growing demand for electricity and the community, voltage stability range of issues received attention. This paper mainly constrained by economic and environmental stability of the distribution network to explore, taking into account the distribution network in peak time is often at its limit state can guarantee its stability issues must be decided knot.
    The definition and classification in the stability of the power system distribution network to explore the background of this is to learn the basics of stable distribution network, to determine the distribution network to ensure stable methods are listed and statements, including static and dynamic . Promoting the stability of the distribution network of research of static load and dynamic load they can better compare and under what conditions, what time would have become more unstable system crash. By distribution instability usually common to several conditions and it encountered the dynamic stability of the situation and describes the distribution network as much as possible in order to ensure the balance that we can choose several measures and significance.
    The use of MATLAB simulation examples of the power system analysis software package (PSAT) detailed comparative stability of the various dynamic loads with grid stability, steady power angle several factors affect each other way and particularity. In models with a variety of common and common structures under conditions we can draw the biggest factor analysis led to the distribution network into the instability and collapse stage is the stage of the induction motor. This includes influencing factors: the device is capable of selecting the generator and some regulator, also very important to adjust the taps, as well as select the SVC and load characteristics.
    Key word: Voltage stability ,Voltage distribution,Electric load characteristics,The Resection time of Malfunction
    目   录
     摘  要    I
     Abstract    II
     1 绪论    5
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义    5
    1.2目前电网稳定性的研究状况    5
    1.3 本论文的主要工作    6
     2 配电网稳定性理论及特性的探究    7
    2.1 理论研究    7
    2.2 通过不同负荷探究电压失稳的原理和特点    8
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