    毕业论文关键词:FPGA    Verilog语言    LED
     Design of LED large   screen display control system based on FPGA
    Abstract Involved in this design is the LED dot matrix display. It has been widely used in today's society, used in the design is a specification for 16x16 dot matrix display, there have many small diodes in its interior , through the control corresponding to the light emitting diode which can make display designers need: Chinese characters, letters and so on. According to it glow effect, low cost, no power consumption advantages, its applications has become very widely, can be said to every corner of every city has its shadow. With the rapid development of society, designers gradually palm grip the how to design and control the content of the work, to improve the controllability of its .
        This design topic is based on FPGA LED large screen display control system design. In the following, first introduced is led to the development of history, status and its internal structure and display principle. Secondly, based on FPGA were described in detail introduced, including FPGA design flow and method of use. Then puts forward the detailed design ideas: first of the overall circuit module pision, again how to make Chinese characters display in the LED lattice screen, how to make the design of seven words scrolling display. Finally tells the story of Verilog language writing and circuit diagram of compilation and simulation waveform.
    Key words: FPGA    Verilog language    LED
    目   录
    目 录...III
    1绪论    1
    1.1 LED的概述    1
    1.2 LED在国内和国外的基本情况    2
    2 FPGA技术及设计方法    3
    2.1 FPGA概述    3
    2.2 FPGA的工作原理及结构    4
    2.3 FPGA的设计步骤    5
    2.4 QuartusⅡ软件的介绍    6
    2.5 Verilog HDL语言的介绍    6
    3设计的整体流程    8
    3.1 电路的模块划分    8
    3.2 LED屏模块介绍    9
    3.3 分频模块的设计原理    14
    3.4 汉字循环显示模块设计原理    15
    3.5 QuartusII语言的写入    17
    4系统总图及波形仿真    21
    4.1 Quartus II软件    21
    4.2 总电路图的编译及波形仿真    22
    4.3 模拟仿真    25
    5总结    30
    参考文献    31
  1. 上一篇:基于FPGA的全同步数字频率计设计+仿真图
  2. 下一篇:基于FPGA的温度传感报警系统设计+程序
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