    毕业论文关键词:  可编辑逻辑门阵列  数据采集  温度传感  数字信号
    System design of temperature sensing alarm based on FPGA
    Temperature sensor alarm system has a wide range of application among modern industrial production and scientific research, as well as all aspects of ordinary lives. Traditional temperature sensor alarm is constituted of discrete components and SCM. Nowadays, in order to meet the increasing demand of high speed, high accuracy, timeliness of field data gathering, the data processing system utilizes programmable logic device–FPGA—to improve the speed of data processing and the system reliability.
    The temperature sensing alarm system based on FPGA is composed of four parts: keyboard module, temperature sensor DS18B20, binary conversion BCD module and digital tube display module. DS18B20 temperature sensor is responsible for collecting temperature data, transmitting data through digital signal to FPGA chip for further processing. FPGA chip is in charge of setting parameter, collecting temperature data, comparing threshold, and other processing job. Based on the processed result, the system will send out the normalized response to the alarm module which will eventually make the prompt alarm possible.
    Key words:  FPGA  data acquisition  temperature sensing  digital signal 
    目 录
    摘   要    I
    Abstract    II
    目 录    III
    图清单    V
    表清单    V
    1  绪 论    1
    1.1 设计的背景和意义    1
    1.2 设计要求    1
    1.3 相应技术发展状况    1
    1.4 论文的主要内容    2
    2  温度传感报警系统设计方法与原理概述    3
    2.1 FPGA的介绍    3
    2.2 DS18B20 温度传感器简介    7
    2.3 FPGA 与 DS18B20 结合目的    10
    2.4 Verilog HDL 语言介绍    10
    2.5 QUARTUS II 软件简介    12
    3  温度传感报警系统硬件设计    16
    3.1  DS18B20的电路    16
    3.2  数码管电路    16
    3.3  蜂鸣器电路    17
    3.4  复位电路    17
    4  温度传感报警系统软件设计    18
    4.1 系统软件总体方案设计    18
    4.2 系统模块结构    19
    5  总结与展望    22
    5.1 结果与分析    22
    5.2 未来展望    22
    附录    24
    参考文献    27
    致谢    29
    图序号    图名称    页码
    图2-1    FPGA芯片内部结构    4
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