


    关键词  DC/DC变换器 PWM 非线性系统 TIS建模法 Boost变换器 Sepic变换器


    Title  Research on dynamic modeling of DC/DC based on TIS modeling method                    


    In recent years, with the vigorous development of the global electronic information industry, DC/DC switching converter in the field of defense and civilian electronics industry it has been very widely used, so the DC/DC switching converter is the core research areas of power electronics one study content. However, since the DC/DC converter is nonlinear characteristics, so study the modeling method has the particularity and complexity.

    This article has been PWM type DC/DC converter, for example, the use of Modeling module TIS Modeling process. It introduces the DC/DC converter research background, significance of the development and the status quo. Next, the characteristics of TIS modeling method, will be pided into linear and nonlinear part of the circuit, while the nonlinear part of building one or more TIS modules. Next to Boost converter module constructed and performed TIS steady state analysis and simulation. Finally, the high-order Sepic converter be constructed by TIS, which is equivalent to two TIS modules connected by linear branches. The theoretical analysis is verified by simulation.

    Keywords  DC/DC converter  PWM nonlinear systems  TIS Modeling  TI-Boost Converter  TI-Sepic converter


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 相关技术发展现状 1

    1.3 本文主要研究内容 4

    第二章 TIS建模设计 6

        2.1 TIS三端口模块的推演 6

        2.2 基于SFG方法TIS组建模型 10

    2.2.1   理想 TIS组件的开关流图模型(SFG mode1) 10

           2.2.2   TIS组件的大信号模型 11

    2.2.3   通用三端口TIS组件的稳态模型 12

    2.2.4   通用TIS组件的小信号模型 13

    第三章  TI-Boost变换器工作模式建模 15

    3.1  TI-Boost变换器工作模式分析 15

    3.2  TIS建模 16

    3.2.1   TI-Boost拓扑稳态模型 16

    3.2.2   理想TI-Boost小信号模型 17

    3.3  TI-Boost小信号建模仿真验证

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