


    Four Rotor Navigation System Design Based on PID


    Abstract: Since twentieth Century, with the development of control theory, and the microprocessor is difficult to achieve stable control of the four rotor aircraft and 

    reappear in people's field of vision. This paper is based on the analysis of the mainstream of the four rotor navigation system on the market, the design of an embedded four rotor navigation system. To achieve the four rotor aircraft safety, semi autonomous, stable, easy to control the flight operation. In this paper, the design of STM32 controller is used as the navigation microprocessor. Through the peripheral sensor signal processing, make the emergency stop, autonomous flight, through the communication serial port and flight controller communication, realize the combination of navigation and inertial navigation control. Can through the software, to switch the remote control mode and automatic flight mode, to achieve take-off and landing autonomous flight, so that the controller is more easy to get started.

    Key words: PID algorithm; STM32 ; Integrated navigation


    摘要 1

    1. 绪论 1

        1.1 四旋翼飞行器的历史背景和发展现状 1

    1.2 设计研究的任务 2

    2. 四旋翼基本工作原理和结构介绍 3

    2.1 四旋翼硬件总体设计 3

    2.2 四旋翼姿态调整算法基本原理 4

    3. HT-450飞行控制原理分析 5

    3.1 恒拓飞控硬件基础介绍 5

    3.2 姿态控制算法分析 6

    3.3 飞行控制算法程序实现 7

    4. 导航系统硬件设计 8

    4.1 导航控制器介绍 8

    4.2 电源模块 9

    4.3 USB电路设计 11

    4.4 超声波测距原理 11

    4.5 US-100超声波测距模块 12

    4.6 TSL1401线性传感器 12

    5. 导航算法和C语言程序设计 13

    5.1 PID算法设计 13

    5.2 C语言程序实现 14

    6. 四旋翼飞行器飞行试验 14

    6.1 四旋翼飞行器的试飞步骤 15

    6.2 四旋翼飞行器飞行控制参数的调试 16

    7. 结束语和展望 16

    参考文献 17

    附录 18


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