

    毕业论文主关键词  表格图片  检测定位  团块分析  投影分割


    Title   Table Detection Algorithm in Images  


    Images with tables are common in our lives, which are widely used in various occasions, especially on shopping websites such as Taobao and Jingdong. In order to automatically recognize, search and find the tables in a large number of pictures, we must first find the images with tables, and then to recognize these tables. Against this background, a table positioning detection algorithm in images is developed by means of C++ programming language, which firstly uses image preprocessing such as image binarization, connected component construction and image filtering, and then detects the tables by means of blob analysis, finally extracts the table areas by projection pision. For a given set of images, this algorithm can detecte them and find out which images of them contains tables, it can also automatically locate the areas of the tables, getting ready for the subsequent recognition algorithm. This paper not only describes the principle and process of the design, but also conducts the experimental analysis by utilizing a lot of pictures. The results evidence that the algorithm has achieved the expectations, having practical values. 

    Keywords  table image  positioning detection  blob analysis  projection pision

    目   次

    1  绪论  1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状  1

    1.3 论文工作及安排   2

    2  算法设计 3

    2.1  开发平台及开发工具介绍  3

    2.2  程序流程  3

    2.3  图像预处理  5

    2.4  表格定位  14

    2.5  表格区域提取  17

    3  测试及结果分析 18

    3.1  测试演示  20

    3.2  结果分析  22

    结论 24

    致谢 25

    参考文献 26 

    1  绪论

    1.1  研究背景


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