    In modern electric drive automatic control system used in the more popularity should be speed control system, as the production has been increased demand quality, product technology and the growing demand for the production capacity, more and more of the machine can automatically adjust the speed. In the speed regulation system, speed control of dc speed regulation system has good characteristics of speed control process is smooth, wide speed range, high precision, overload capacity is bigger, good dynamic performance at the same time, convenient control had a very good start and stop. These advantages can meet the production needs of many occasions, so the dc speed regulation is very significance to practical production.
    The research object of this paper is the dc motor speed control system, the first tells the story of the practical significance of the research on this topic, and then expounds the idea of all kinds of dc speed regulating system and the practical significance of the analysis methods and structure of electric schematic diagram, finally using the Simulink of Matlab software components to complete the purpose of simulation and modeling simulation run. Analysis and comparison of the open loop, single closed loop, the advantages and disadvantages of the double closed loop dc motor speed control system. Combined with the actual analysis of several kinds of speed control system is discussed which plays an role in the modern industrial production process, and is suitable for what occasion, respectively, finally concluded that the double closed loop dc speed control system is the most can conform to the requirements and speed control performance is the most stable and efficient control method.
    Keywords: DC speed control system;Open-loop system;Single-loop system;Double-loop system
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2概述    1
    1.3论文内容    2
    1.4本章小结    2
    第二章  直流调速系统的理论基础    3
    2.1 Matlab/Simulink仿真软件    3
    2.2 直流调速的理论基础    3
    2.3 开环系统的电气原理    6
    2.4 单闭环系统的电气原理    7
    2.5 双闭环系统的电气原理    8
    2.6 本章小结    9
    3.1 开环调速系统的建模与仿真    10
    3.1.1 开环建模过程    10
    3.1.2 开环系统的仿真    13
    3.2 单闭环调速系统的建模与仿真    15
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