    本课题主要针对的是3D打印技术中的光固化三维打印设备实验项目的开发。首先熟悉光固化三维打印设备的打印过程,开发实验项目。将零件的物理形状转化为三维数字立体模型,并生成模型的.STL 文件,对STL文件进行处理,生成可打印文件。每层通过RIP 处理得到光栅点阵,然后利用微喷头完成点阵喷射,固化得到该薄层,逐层加工堆积完成物理形状。这次课题对于我们自己的动手能力和工程项目能力都是一次难得的锻炼。本次设计对于类似项目还具有普遍意义。
    At present, 3D printing technology has in many areas are widely used, from product design to mold design and manufacturing, material engineering, medical research, art and culture, construction engineering and so on are increasingly using 3D printing technology, making 3D printing technology has broad prospects for development. Three-dimensional printing technology in foreign countries has been more widely used, mainly for military government, construction, automotive, education, scientific research, medical, aerospace, consumer goods, industrial and other industries, and achieved great economic benefits.
    This topic is mainly aimed at the development of 3D printing technology in the light curing three-dimensional printing equipment experimental project. First familiar with the printing process of light curing three-dimensional printing equipment, the development of the experimental project. The physical shape of the parts into a three-dimensional digital three-dimensional model, and generate the model of the.STL file, the STL file processing, to generate a document can be printed. Each layer is processed by RIP to get the grating dot matrix, and then the micro nozzle is used to complete the dot matrix injection, and the solidification is obtained by the thin layer, and the physical shape is completed by layer by layer processing. This topic for our own ability and engineering project ability is a rare exercise. This design also has general significance for similar projects.
    Key words: 3D printing; light curing; STL file; slice
    目  录
    第一章   绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的背景    1
    1.2本课题的意义    2
    1.3研究方案的论证及选择    2
    第二章  实验的总体步骤    4
    2.1软件设计    4
    2.2进行零件打印    5
    第三章  实验的硬件操作    7
    3.1Stratasys Objet30 Prime桌面3D打印机    7
    3.1.1Stratasys Objet30 Prime桌面3D打印机的简介    7
    3.2实验操作原理的简介    9
    3.3实验操作需要注意点    9
    第四章  系统软件设计    11
    4.1 3D打印成型原理    11
    4.2 学习123D Design    12
            4.21 123D Design的特点    12
            4.22 123D Design的指令与功能    13
    4.3操作实例 制作一个马克杯    20
    第五章 视频的拍摄与制作    29
    5.1视频的拍摄注意事项    29
    5.2视频的制作    30
    结束语    32
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