

    毕业论文关键词: 西门子S7-200; 车库自动门; 超声波感应; 光电感应

    The Garage Automatic Door System Design

    Abstract: With the pace of the society forward, the gradually into a well-off society in the 21st century, people live a happy life to live and work in peace and contentment. People will become more and more high to the requirement of quality of life, in terms of travel, people have changed from walking to driving, so, the auto industry in China occupies an important position in the market economy. Development of our automobile industry, drives the development of a series of related industries, for example, vehicle maintenance and repair, and gasoline, tires, brakes, etc., the garage door is one of them. Therefore, automatic garage door has a large market potential, this article is in view of the previous single chip microcomputer control automatic door garage for further improvement, garage automatic door is controlled by programmable logic controller.

    Key Words: Siemens S7-200; The garage automatic door; Ultrasonic sensor; Photoelectric sensor 

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1.车库自动门的介绍 2

    1.1研究背景与研究意义 2

    1.2车库自动门的介绍史及起源史 2

    1.3车库自动门的分类 3

    1.4本章小结 3

    2.PLC的介绍及选择 3

    2.1PLC的概述 3

    2.2PLC的主要功能及优越性 3

    2.3PLC的组成与基本结构 6

    2.4PLC的工作原理 7

    2.5本章小结 8

    3.方案设计 8

    3.1功能需求分析 8

    3.2车库自动门的结构 8

    3.3控制方案 9

    3.4本章小结 10

    4.硬件设备及控制线路 11

    4.1硬件设备 11

    4.2硬件电路及接线图 12

    4.3本章小结 12

    5.软件设计 13

    5.1I/O口及定时器/计数器说明 13

    5.2梯形图设计 14

    5.3实验室仿真 18

    5.4本章小结 34

    6.总结与展望 35

    参考文献 35

    附录 车库自动门语句表 36

    致谢 38


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