


    The Design of the Industrial Sewage Treatment Control System Based on PLC

    Abstract: At present, most of the sewage treatment control system has low scientific and technological content, manual operation, high reliability, low efficiency and high labor cost. This paper adopts PLC as the whole control system is the key factor to solve the sewage treatment process data acquisition, and timely monitoring and scientific management of the sewage treatment process, such as. Finally, the sewage is better purification, but also reduce the number of unnecessary expenses. According to the corresponding sewage treatment technology indicators, preset programs to construct peripheral circuit, which includes signal acquisition, detection, machine operation succeeded in purifying sewage, to further improve the sewage treatment capacity, effectively protecting resources and the environment.

    Key words: Sewage disposal ; PLC ; Signal detection

    目    录

    摘 要 1

    1绪论 1

    1.1世界各国目前的工业污水后期解决状况 2

    1.2课题的背景 3

    1.3研究目的和意义 3

    1.4 课题主要设计的内容 4

    2.工业污水处理控制系统 4

    2.1工业污水处理的基本概念 4

    2.2常用的工业污水处理工艺 4

    2.4控制处理污水系统的方式 6

    2.5 系统处理污水的要求的功能 7

    3硬件系统配置 7

    3.1主要组成部分 7

    3.2电气控制系统 8

    3.3系统如何处理污水 8

    3.3.1控制系统总体框图 8

    3.3.2工作过程 8

    3.3.3设计处理污水的电路 9

    3.4 PLC选型 10

    3.5其他资源配置 10

    3.5.1变频调速的基本原理 10

    3.6PLC的I/O资源配置 12

    4 软件系统设计 12

    4.1总体流程设计 13

    4.1.1手动模式 13

    4.1.2自动模式 13

    4.2曝气工程控制的任务 17

    4.3氯气投加环节 17

    4.4絮凝剂投加环. 18

    4.5 PID控制 18

    5调试和运行结果 18


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