

    毕业论文关键词:软开关; 变频器; PWM

    Soft switch technology in the application of frequency converter

    Abstract: The scientific concept of "green, healthy, natural" is worth people pursuit and yearning. Respectively in this paper, the application of soft switch in soft switch inverter main circuit design, the design of the control circuit of the three aspects, this article mainly analyses the control method of asynchronous motor and research, and mainly adopt made with type TMS320LF2407 DSP chip of TI company as the object of the control system, and carries on the research. In the process of circuit experiment, an IMP module to realize the inverter DC - AC inverter in the bridge. One in the middle of the resonant link circuit, if the original simple experiment, the premise is to make it in the normal operation of the inverter in the process, to the original simple zero voltage switch circuit debugging, at the same time,we set to find some relevant parameters, and the related parameters in the set of link study about the influence of resonance, at the same time for three-phase dual PWM soft switch inverter further research and development have laid a very solid foundation.

    Key Words: soft switch; Frequency converter; PWM

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 2

    1.如何运用软开关技术 2

    1.1软开关技术的基本含义 2

    1.2软开关技术的具体应用 3

    2. 软开关在变频器中的应用设计 7

    2.1  主要对当前大功率变频器的特点进行研究 7

    2.2 软开关技术在变频器中的主电路设计 8

    2.3  零电压过渡变频器中主电路的设计 8

    2.4  功率开关器件类型和参数的选择问题 9

    3.软开关变频器的控制电路设计 11

    3.1在谐振环节控制过程中辅助开关的原理 11

    3.2 在变频器中软开关的控制设计和实现 13

    3.3在驱动电路中开关功率的设计 13

    4.结束语 15

    参考文献 16

    致    谢 17




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