摘要船舶机舱报警系统是船舶自动化中极为重要的一部分,它通过数据的采集、分析实 时监控船舶机舱各部分动力系统的运行状态。一旦运行中发生故障,即可发出声光报警 并及时打印报警记录,同时在集控屏上显示故障单位及故障状态,使得船员在集控室内 即可实时掌握机舱内所有设备的工作状态及各项数据。对于无人机舱的实现,可以用延 展台将报警数据延伸到船上有人的区域,实现在机舱系统发生故障的同时将报警信息传 达到每位船员所在的位置,做到及时排除故障解除报警。84859

本文首先分阶段介绍船舶机舱报警系统的发展历程,并简要说明国内外研究现状, 进而指出本文的研究意义所在。再通过对船舶机舱报警系统整体结构的分析,对监控界 面的设计所需要监测的模拟量和开关量进行收集整理,明确设计任务中的监控对象,对 该组态界面的设计有一个宏观的认识,为具体的操作做好充分的准备。随后将熟悉 MCGS 组态软件的用法,明确所要设计的监控界面以及监控界面的参数量,建立组态软件程序, 实现监控界面的仿真。

在开发过程中,对船舶机舱监控系统的工作方式、数据采集方式、报警实现方式有 了初步的了解,对组态软件的使用也有了更深一步的了解,同时对我国在船舶机舱自动 化的研发上落后于欧美发达国家的现状有了清醒的认识,更加深刻地认识到了研究该课 题的深远意义。

毕业论文关键词:船舶机舱;检测报警;MCGS 组态

Abstract Marine engine room alarm system is a very important part of the ship  automation。  By the data acquisition and analysis, the system can realize real-time monitoring of the dynamic system in the ship's cabin。 Once a fault occurred in the operation, the system can send sound and light alarm, print alarm record immediately, display fault units and state in the control panel at the same time。 The crew on the centralized control room can realize real-time control of working status and the data of all equipment。In order to achieve unmanned cabin,we can extend the alarm data to the area of the ship by the extension station。 At the same time, when the engine room system is failure, the alarm information will be communicated  to  the location of each crew。Make sure the engineers can lift the alarm timely。

First,this paper will introduce the development of the engine room monitoring and alarm system, then explain the research status at home and abroad briefly to point out the significance of this research is my next work。 By analyzing the overall structure of the ship engine room monitoring and alarm system, Collect and arrange the switching capacity and analog quantity for designing monitoring interface。 We need to explicit the  monitoring objects in the design task。 Having a macro understanding of  the  configuration interface design is very useful for us to make a fully preparation for the specific operation。 Then,being familiar with the using of MCGS configuration software, make the design of the monitoring interface and monitoring the parameters of the interface clear。After the completion of the above work, we can proceed with the design of configuration software program to achieve the simulation of the monitoring interface。

In the development process, I have a preliminary understanding about the ship engine room monitoring and control system, data acquisition, alarm mode。After reading some books about how to use the configuration software, I have a deeper understanding at the using of configuration software。 At the same time, I am aware that our country is  behind  the developed countries in Europe and America in the research and development of ship engine room automation。 The study of this subject has a profound understanding of the significance。 Key words: marine engine room, alarm, MCGS configuration software

















