


    本文利用ICEM CFD和FLUENT软件对公路隧道内的安全通风进行数值模拟。通过ICEM CFD建立公路隧道的三维模型,导入到FLUENT软件里进行模拟计算,从而了解在纵向通风条件下,公路隧道内部的气体流动规律以及污染物的扩散情况。主要研究思路是:根据公路隧道的实际参数,建立简化模型。根据隧道内的流场特点,选择相适应的物理模型、数学模型。本文通过数值模拟,来计算隧道内风机在不同的安装位置、不同的安装间距以及不同的风机出口风速条件下风机性能的发挥情况和隧道内安全通风的状况,针对隧道的交通状况,研究隧道内的污染物浓度扩散状况,并设计出合理的方案。

    毕业论文关键字:  公路隧道;安全通风;数值模拟;Fluent;ICEM

    The Safety Design of Tunnel Ventilation Based on The Numerical Simulation of Fluent And

    The Modeling of ICEM

    Abstract: With the constant progress of science and technology, the design and construction technology of highway tunnel is also in constant development and improvement. In recent years, our country also in rapid development of highway tunnel construction. Highway tunnel also gradually develops towards the longer and bigger direction, and in order to ensure the tunnel safety running, in addition to meet the requirements of structure, the safety of tunnel ventilation is an important limiting factor, and the cost of ventilation facilities is also high. 

    Because the gas flow in the tunnel is very complex, it is difficult to make the theory and experimental research directly. With the popularization and development of computer technology, the computational fluid dynamics commercial software more and more, and create conditions for the tunnel ventilation safety.

    In this paper, we use the ICEM CFD and FLUENT software to make numerical simulation for the safety ventilation of the highway tunnel. Through ICEM CFD to build a 3d model of highway tunnel, and import the model to the FLUENT software to make numerical simulation. Thus we can learn highway tunnel internal gas flow as well as the diffusion of the pollutants under the condition of longitudinal ventilation. The main research train of thought is: according to the actual data of the highway tunnel, the simplified model is set up. According to the characteristics of flow field in the tunnel, choose the appropriate physical model and mathematical model. We will research the conditions of tunnel safety ventilation and the fans performance through the numerical simulation, and the fan installed in different locations, different spacing and the fan export different wind speed. We will research the diffusion conditions of pollutants concentration in the tunnel in view of the traffic conditions in the tunnel and design a reasonable solution.

    Keyword: highway tunnel; safety ventilation; numerical simulation; fluent; ICEM


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究内容及意义 1

    1.2 公路隧道通风的发展历程 2

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