



    关键词  PM2.5  多传感器  数据融合  无线传输


    Title  Fusion technology of PM2.5based on  multi-sensordata monitoring               


    Air pollution is becoming increasingly serious. This serious problem is drawing  more and more attention from all aspects, but the environmental monitoring of PM2.5 at the technical level in our country is relatively backward, there is no mature advanced technology and methods yet. This design PM2.5 monitoring system, capable of PM2.5 in the environment for scientific monitoring and treatment.

    Monitoring system is pided into data acquisition, data transmission and data processing in three parts. Wherein the data acquisition part quoted ZigBee module to improve the stability of the system; the data transmission and processing section refers to the integration of technology and GPRS wireless transmission technology based on multi-sensor data to achieve the target function of the system.

    When processing the data, the application of the secondary network data fusion model and improve the accuracy of the data processing system. In the software design, embedded systems based on quoted transplant technology, making the design of the system tends to be intelligent.

    Keywords  PM2.5  Multi-Sensor  Data Fusion  Wireless transmission


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本项目的研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外PM2.5监测和多传感器数据融合技术的研究现状 1

    1.3 本章小结 2

    2 PM2.5监测系统的总体方案设计 4

    2.1 PM2.5环境检测系统的总体结构 4

    2.2 本章小结 5

    3 PM2.5检测系统的硬件设计 6

    3.1 硬件总体设计方案 6

    3.2 数据采集模块的硬件设计 6

    3.3 数据传输部分的硬件设计 9

    3.4 本章总结 12

    4 PM2.5监测系统中的数据处理 13

    4.1 多传感器数据融合技术原理概述 13

    4.2 多传感器数据融合技术在PM2.5监测系统中的应用 14

    4.3 本章小结 23

    5 PM2.5监测系统软件部分设计 24

    5.1 数据采集部分软件设计 24

    5.2 PM2.5监测系统中心环节软件设计 25

    5.3 数据控制中心软件设计

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