
    摘要:工业自动化日益推进并朝着智能化方向发展。为了使药品包装机能够实现由外包装制作到生产出合格包装产品的全过程,本设计选用日本三菱公司制造的FX2N -48MR型可编程控制器作为全自动药品包装机的主控制器。设计了控制器PLC的硬件接线电路以及电动机电气控制主电路,并且通过GX Developer仿真软件编写了药品包装机的控制程序,使全自动药品包装机不仅能够实现手动操作完成药品的包装,而且能够实现单步、单周期以及连续运行的自动控制。最后通过仿真实验验证了该设计的可行性,实现了对药品包装机的全自动控制。49838

    毕业论文关键词:药品包装机;PLC;FX2N -48MR;智能化

    Design of The Control System of The Automatic Medicine Packaging Machine Based on PLC

    Abstract: Industrial automation is becoming more and more advanced, and developing gradually towards the intelligent direction. In order to make the medicine packaging machine can be achieved from packaging production to produce qualified packaging product, the design selected FX2N-48MR Programmable Logic Controller manufactured by Mitsubishi in Japanese, as the main controller of automatic medicine packaging machine. Hardware circuit of PLC and the motor drive circuit are designed, and the control procedures of pharmaceutical packaging machine is compiled through the simulation software of GX Developer. The automatic medicine packaging machine not only can realize the manual operation, but also can achieve single step, single cycle and continuous operation of automatic control. Finally the simulation experiments verify the feasibility of the design, and the automatic control for  pharmaceutical packaging machine is realized.

    Key Words: Medicine Packing Machine; PLC; FX2N -48MR; Intelligent

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1. 绪论 2

       1.1 课题研究背景 2

    1.2 课题研究意义 3

    1.3 国内外研究现状 3

    2. 可编程控制器简介 4

    2.1 可编程控制技术发展趋势 4

    2.2  PLC与其他工业控制系统的比较 5

    3. 基于PLC全自动药品包装机控制系统的总体设计 5

    3.1 药品包装机工作原理 5

    3.2 药品包装机控制器的选择 7

    4. PLC控制系统的硬件设计 7

    4.1 硬件配置 7

    4.2 端口分配 7

    4.3 主电路及外部接线 8

    5. PLC控制系统软件设计 10

    5.1 主程序设计 10

    5.2 初始化程序设计 11

    5.3 手动操作程序设计 12

    5.4 自动控制程序设计 13

    5.5 自动返回原点程序设计 13

    6. 结论 14

    参考文献 15

    附录Ⅰ 基于GX Developer软件梯形图程序仿真 16

    附录Ⅱ 基于GX Developer软件语句表(STL)程序仿真 20

    致谢 24

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