




    Abstract This paper mainly introduces the temperature control system, programming and debugging. The main objective is to use single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 to complete the environmental temperature acquisition, then the measurement and real-time monitoring of environmental temperature, and convert it to a digital signal, and then converts the digital signal to complete the transfer to the microcontroller(MCU) related processing, complete the corresponding control.

    In the controlling part of the system, PIC16F877 MCU is the core component. The system is composed of upper machine and lower machine, a machine to implement the collection and test temperature. The commands are sent by the microcontroller PIC16F877 to the temperature measuring device, at the same time, the measured temperature is displayed real-time in the digital tube.

    The system includes the simple structure, the good stability and the low cost. This paper includes the acquisition of temperature, display, alarm and output of the design of the control system of temperature programming.

    Keyword:  temperature controlling system;   single bus;   DS18B20; PIC16F877 


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究课题的目的及意义 1

    1.2 研究课题的背景 1

    1.3 研究方案 2

    1.3.1 传感器部分 2

    1.3.2 主控制部分 3

    1.3.3 系统方案 3

    第二章 温度传感器DS18B20 4

    2.1 综合概述 4

    2.2 DS18B20的组成 4

    2.3 DS18B20特性介绍 4

    2.4 引脚介绍 5

    2.5 内部结构 6

    2.5.1 总体结构 6

    2.5.2 DSB1820供电模式 7

    2.5.3 供电模式的选择 8

    2.6 与外部主控制器的硬件连接 9

    2.7 DS18B20工作原理 10

    2.7.1 执行序列 10

    2.7.2初始化 10

    2.7.3 ROM操作指令 11

    2.7.4 存贮器操作指令 14

    2.8 DS18B20相关程序 16

    2.8.1初始化 16

    2.8.2 初始化程序 16

    2.8.3 DS18B20写数据

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