



    Vacuum toilet is a set of environmental protection water, dirt collection, water reuse and green fertilizer production system in the integration of technology. It is the sewage through a vacuum pipeline, plus a small amount of flushing water collected in the vacuum tank. Compared with the traditional toilet, the utility model has the advantages of saving water, good flushing effect, odor control, convenient installation. This system is mainly used in large cruise ships, aircraft and fast train, pressure generated by the flushing system, by suction form to dirt sucking device, so as to reduce the use of water for flushing purposes. Can greatly save water for flushing, traditional water-saving toilet set by the state for 6L\/ times, and adopts the vacuum toilet flushing, each <0.8L/ times; completely solve the odor problem of small space, unventilated bathroom. Vacuum toilet can usually be found in the lack of flushing water environment, such as aircraft, cruise ships, passenger train. This paper introduces the coach vacuum toilet development situation both at home and abroad, demand, the vacuum toilet principle, system structure, working process and the related technical parameters, structure and installation of the vacuum toilet and installation method of analysis and design, established the best installation program, and match with structure diagram.The pneumatic circuit part the gas system , water as well as the distribution of related components function of the toilet and type selection. Circuit design of vacuum toilet control system, vacuum toilet is used as the design basis, to the user after using the toilet flush button to start creating a vacuum press control scheme, and based on this design circuit. And the circuit is based on the experience of design method

    Keywords: vacuum suction ;discharge system;Pneumatic vacuum ejector; PLC

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 目前国内外真空厕所的发展现状 1

    1.2.1 车载真空环保厕所的市场需求分析 3

    1.3 本文所做的工作 4

    第2章 车载真空环保厕所吸排系统的总体设计 5


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