


    Abstract  The real-time monitoring of water level is a key element for the security and automation of ship lock. For the needs of multipoint real time measurement of water level and its publishing of ship lock station, Now people use their eyes for the water level monitoring  , The relatively is very low and the efficiency and accuracy is not high. Can not meet the needs of the majority of migrants lockage.we design a multi-channel level monitoring and SMS for interactive systems based on high-performance MCU STC89C52RC . We acquire multipoint real time water level data of upstream, downstream lock chamber acquisition by using pressure water level sensor, Using keil software when you design micro controller  , It can design the MCU subject and A / D converter AD7888, LCD12864 . IPC interface design based on VB6.0, and complete the two-way interaction of water level information by using GSM module with short messages to cell phone user. The final commissioning shows that: overall scheme of the system is reasonable, hardware and software works well, low running costs ,it fully meet the requirements of ship lock and it’s worth popularizing and using.

    Key words: water level data acquisition; MCU; GSM short message; bi-directional interaction

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 作品研发背景及意义 1

    1.2本项目的技术特点 1


    第二章  系统总体方案设计 4

    2.1 系统总体方案介绍 4

    2.2 系统可行性分析 4

    第三章 软件的编写 6

    3.1单片机软件设计 6

    3.1.1  编程语言选择 8

    3.1.2  软件总体流程 9

    3.1.3  A/D转换关键代码 10

    3.1.4  LCD的程序设计 14

           3.1.5  串口的程序设计 19

    3.2 PC机软件设计 20

    3.2.1  编程语言选择 20

    3.2.2  软件总体流程 20

    3.2.3  GSM模块访问 22

           3.2.4  典型操作界面 ,,,23 

    第四章 系统的调试 24

    4.1单片机程序调试 24

    4.2 PC机程序调试

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