
    摘要Global Positioning System是GPS的英文全称,中文称为全球定位系统,当然也可以称为“球位系”。它是20世界70年代由美国海陆空三方联合研制出来的新一代空间定位产品。它可以为飞机、船舶等提供准确的定位信息;它也可以布设城市、山脉、海洋等的控制网;GPS同时对于物流行业也是至关重要的,比如方便大家实时查询、为物流行业降低成本;生活中的车辆也是越来越离不开GPS全球定位系统。本文就是以小巧、方便、灵活为主要目标而研究出来的GPS接收机,通过设计一个由电源电路、复位电路等组成所构成的单片机系统,然后可以读取UBLOX NEO 5M这款GPS模块所提供的数据,并对这些数据经行处理,最后将用户想要的显示在LCD12864这款液晶上,这样用户可以在本设计的液晶显示屏上看到用户所在位置的经纬度,此时的时间,还有用户所在的海拔,如果用户是在前进,那么也会有方向和速度的显示。50695


    关键字:GPS  单片机  LCD12864

    GPS Receiver Based on Single Chip Microcomputer


    Global Positioning System GPS is the English name,Chinese commonly known as the Global Positioning System,of course,can also be referred to as"para-ball."It is 20 in the world by the 1970s,the United States armed tripartite alliance developed a new generation of space positioning products.It provides aircraft,ships and other accurate positioning information;it can also be laid cities,mountains,oceans and other control network;GPS at the same time for the logistics industry is critical,such as to facilitate real-time queries,reduce costs for the logistics industry;life the vehicle is also increasingly dependent on GPS global positioning system.This article is in a compact,easy to use as the main objective of finding out the GPS receiver,a single-chip system consisting of a power supply circuit,reset circuit and other components through the design,then you can read this data UBLOX NEO 5M GPS module provided,and these data processed by the line, and finally the user wants to display on the LCD in LCD12864 this,so the user can see the latitude and longitude of the user's location on the design of the LCD screen,this time period,as well as user altitude is located,if the user is moving forward,then there will be the direction and speed of the display.

    Key Words: MCU  GPS   12864


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 IV

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 GPS系统简介以及方案选择 1

    1.1 GPS系统的简介 1

    1.2 方案选择及方案说明 2

    2 系统硬件 4

    2.1 GPS模块 5

    2.2 USB电源 5

    2.3 12864液晶 6

    2.4  STC89C52单片机 7

    3系统的软件 9

    3.1 C语言软件开发系统Keil 9

    3.2画图软件protel99se 10

    3.3仿真软件 proteus 11

    4 系统测试 13

    5 总结 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16


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