





    The control of temperature is an important part that makes industrial furnace operate normally and efficiently. Its accuracy affects the production quality. If the furnace temperature is higher than average level, it will cause the metal to be soft.On the contrary, the metal will have extra stress and excessive hardness. Temperature offset will cause product defects, and not easy to manufacture.

    The design will be realized by using SIMATIC PLC and touch screen to control industrial furnace temperature automaticly. a Pt100 platinum resistance can capture the scene temperature, and then transmitting it to PLC analog module. PLC will compare the actual temperature with the set temperature. The calculation results output to the solid state relay by using the PID control algorithm. So as to control the electric the electric heater or cooling fan power off. The touch screen is responsible for human-computer interaction.

    Therefore, the PLC and touch screen to control the temperature of the industrial furnace, both can improve the accuracy of temperature control and easy to operate, is significant.

    Keywords:Industrial electric furnace、 temperature control、PLC、PID、touch screen, 

     目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1概述 1

    1.2工业电炉温度控制系统设计研究现状与发展 1

    1.3本课题主要研究内容 2

    第二章  系统硬件设计 3

    2.1总体设计方案 3

    2.2系统硬件的选择 4

    2.3小结 6

    第三章 系统软件设计 7

    3.1 PID算法介绍 7

    3.2 S7-200 Micro/Win 系统介绍 13

    3.3 软件设计 19

    第四章 触摸屏组态设计 21

    4.1 概述 21

    4.2 Wincc flexible的组态方法 22

    4.3温度控制画面 26

    结论 30

    致谢 31

    参考文献 32

    附录 33 

    第一章 绪论



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