    倒立摆系统是一个典型的多变量、非线性、强耦合和快速运动的自然不稳定系统,因此倒立摆在研究双足机器人、火箭发射过程的姿态调整和直升机飞行控制领域中有着重要的现实意义。本文围绕着一级倒立摆系统,采用PID、LQR、极点配置法以及fuzzy等控制方法对倒立摆进行控制模拟以及系统仿真,运用牛顿力学和Lagrange方程对倒立摆进行数学建模,推导出倒立摆系统的传递函数和状态空间方程,同时运用matlab simulink环境建立各种控制的倒立摆系统模型,进行一级倒立摆系统的控制器设计以及仿真。7481
    关键词:倒立摆 控制器  PID控制  matlab simulink 仿真
    Title  Based on T-S fuzzy model of the inverted pendulum intelligent control and simulation study
    In order to systems that contain nonlinearities or uncertainties, control strategies must deal with the effects of these. Since most control methods based on mathematical models have been mainly focused on stability robustness against nonlinearities or uncertainties, they are limited in their ability to improve the transient response. In this paper, a nonlinear fuzzy PID control method is suggested, which can stably improve the transient responses of systems disturbed by nonlinearities or unknown mathematical characteristics. Although the derivation of the control law is based on design procedure for general fuzzy logic controllers, the resultant control algorithm has analytical form with varying PID gains rather than linguistic form. This means the implementation of the proposed method can be easily and effectively applied to real-time control situations. Control simulations are carried out to evaluate the transient performance of the suggested method through example systems, by comparing its responses with those of the nonlinear fuzzy PI control method developed in.
    Key words: nonlinear and uncertain systems   fuzzy logic controller   fuzzy PID control     time varying PID gains.
    1   引言 1
    1.1  问题的提出及研究意义 1
    1.2  国内外研究现状 2
    1.3  课题中面临的问题以及工作重点 4
    2.   倒立摆系统6
    2.1 单级倒立摆的数学模型 6
    2.2 系统和传递函数的推导 8
    3   现代控制理论在倒立摆平台上的应 10
    3.1  基于倒立摆的PID控制器设计分析 10
    3.2  现代控制理论在倒立摆平台上的应用 12
    3.3  基于Segeno模糊建模及控制器的设计 23
    结论  29
    致谢  30
    正是由于倒立摆系统在控制理论研究中的典型地位,国内许多大学都配置了倒立摆实物模型,用于本科生的教学实验以及研究生的课题研究。由于倒立摆系统本身的复杂性,控制系统的开发通常需要涉及到几个工作组,如算法设计组(数学仿真)、软件开发组、硬件实现组和测试组等,每个阶段使用的工具也不尽相同,造成开发和调试的工作量十分庞大,周期很长。由于这几个工作阶段的独立性,实验者很难深入参与到实验设计过程中,实验效果并不理想.这种系统开发方式与现代的产品开发手段严重脱节,高校落后的实验体系越来越难以满足开展现代化实验的要求,迫切需要更新实验系统.本文基于近年来硬件在回路实时仿真技术、航天及军事上的成功应用,提出了利用 MATLAB RTW(Real Time Workshop)技术构建一个倒立摆控制系统硬件在回路仿真实验平台的构想,希望直接将Simulink生成的仿真模型下载到目标实时内核中运行,驱动外部硬件设备,在线调整参数,让系统开发者和实验者能够自由地往返于各个工作阶段,螺旋式地完成开发和实验。
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