
    摘要本论文通过讨论电梯控制系统的选择与介绍,阐述可编程控制器(PLC)在电梯控制中的应用,采用三菱PLC编程的程序控制方式,提出了五层电梯的PLC控制系统总体设计方案、设计过程、组成, 列出了具体的主要硬件电路、电梯的控制梯形图及指令表。并给出了系统组成框图和程序流程图,在分析、处理随机信号逻辑关系的基础上,提出了PLC的编程方法,设计了一套完整的电梯控制系统方案。采用本方案实现电梯控制,能够解决继电器——接触器触点多,故障率高、可靠性差、安装调试周期长、维修工作量大、接线复杂等缺点。使电梯运行更加安全、方便、舒适。51357

    触摸屏在很多方面都有应用,本文简单介绍了触摸屏的知识,并用GT Designer2软件画出了电梯的监视画面,使电梯的运行更加的清晰安全。


    Abstract The present paper through the discussion elevator control system choice and the introduction, elaborated programmable controller (PLC) in the elevator control application, uses Mitsubishi the PLC programming the procedure control mode, proposed five floor elevator PLC control system overall project designs, the design process, the composition, have listed the concrete main hardware electric circuit, the elevator control trapezoidal chart and the instruction list. And has given the system composition diagram and the program flow diagram, in the analysis, in the processing random signal logic relations foundation, proposed the PLC programming method, has designed a set of complete elevator control system plan. Uses this plan realization elevator control, can solve the relay  contact device electronic contact to be many, the failure rate high, the reliability bad, installs the debugging cycle long, the service work load big, the wiring complex and so on the shortcomings. Causes the elevator movement to be safer, to be convenient, is comfortable.

        The touching screen all had the application in very many aspects, this article introduced simply the touching screen knowledge, and has drawn the elevator surveillance picture with the GT Designer2 software, caused the elevator the movement even more clear security.

    Key word: Three elevators, touching screen, PLC, automatic control


    第一章  绪论·1

    1.1 课题的研究背景及意义1

    1.2 PLC在电梯控制中的应用以及发展前景·1

    1.3 课题研究的内容1


    1.5 PLC的概述·3

    1.6 触摸屏的概述5

    第二章  总体方案设计·6



    2.3 PLC选型及输入输出地址分配8

    2.4 电梯控制系统的画面监控9 

    第三章  电梯控制系统的硬件设计10

    3.1 PLC的选择·10

    3.2 牵引电机的选择·11

    3.3 门开关电机的选择·13

    3.4 主电路的绘制·14

    第四章  电梯控制系统的软件设计16

    4.1 梯形图的设计与编程方法·16

    4.1.1 给元件编号并分配I/O口·16

    4.1.2 梯形图的编程规则·16

    4.1.3 梯形图的设计方法·16

    4.2 PLC软件简介·17

    4.2.1 工程创建及系统环境设计·21

    4.3 PLC程序测试·23

     第五章  仿真软件的介绍与调试运行26

    5.1 触摸屏编程软件简介·26

    5.2 仿真软件的调试运行·34

    附录  五层电梯部分梯形图37




    第一章 绪论


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