


    Abstract:  In the CNC machine tools is rapidly developing today, the relay control system of original has been unable to meet the needs of industrial production, and programmable logic controller (PLC) because of its high reliability, strong anti-interference ability, high performance price ratio, hardware supporting complete, convenient user use, strong adaptability, easy programming and other significant characteristics, has become the first choice for people the. In this context, this paper put forward the design method of CNC machine tools in the PLC, the basic composition and characteristics of the NC machine tool, the specific application of CNC machine tools in PLC, NC machine tools PLC work process, to do a detailed analysis of the design process. Then introduces some methods to repair fault in the machine tool PLC. Lastly, taking vertical lathe C5112B as an example, the specific description of the PLC design process.

    Keywords: CNC machine,Programmable logic controller, C5112B vertical lathe

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义 4

    1.2  国内外研究现状 5

    1.3  数控机床的组成及特点 6

    1.4  小结 8

    2  数控机床PLC控制系统 8

    2.1  计算机数控中的可编程控制器 8

    2.1.1  PLC基本功能 9

    2.1.2  PLC工作过程 11

    2.2  PLC在数控机床上的应用 13

    2.3  机床控制程序的设计流程 15

    2.4  小结 17

    3  PLC在数控机床上的故障诊断 17

    3.1  根据故障号诊断故障 17

    3.2  根据动作顺序诊断故障 18

    3.3  根据PLC的I/O状态诊断故障 18

    3.4  根据动态跟踪梯形图诊断故障 18

    3.5  小结 18

    4  PLC在立式车床应用中的设计 18

    4.1  PLC控制系统的设计 18

    4.1.1  硬件设计 18

    4.1.2  软件设计 20

    4.2  程序调试 25

    4.3  小结 25

    结论 26

    参考文献 27

    致谢 28

    1  绪论    


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