
    摘 要:现代市场上的时钟都具有时钟和闹钟功能。并且时钟分为三种,一种是机械性的,一种是电池供电的电动时钟,还有一种是数字钟。但这些时钟基本上都是两种功能,还存在有时机械忘拧或者忘换电池了,都会导致时间的错乱,本文设计的一款基于AT89C51和8段数码管的数字钟,这款数字钟具有12时制和24时制,还具有闹钟和秒表功能。红色的LED灯让时钟更加明显,因为数字钟AT89C51是由晶振和8位8段数码管组成,所以成本比其他时钟要少的很。并且这种数字钟可以使用在各种环境,单面板就可以解决,方便大规模生产。因为停电时很容易知道,所以断电时不用担心错过时钟调节。可以把数字钟放到公司,学校,医院,车站等公共场所做推广。54384

    毕业论文关键词: 数字钟,AT89C51,闹钟,内部时钟

    Abstract: Modern market on the clock has a clock and alarm clock function. And the clock is pided into three kinds, one kind is mechanical, is an electric clock battery supply point, there is a digital clock. But the clock is basically is two kinds of functions, there are sometimes forget to screw machinery or forgetting to replace the battery, will lead to a time of confusion, I design a digital clock AT89C51 and 8 segment digital tube, the digital clock with 12 and 24 when the system, but also has alarm and stopwatch functions. Red LED lamp that clock is more obvious, because the digital clock AT89C51, crystal oscillator and 8 digit 8 segment digital tube, so the cost is less than other clock.And the digital clock can be used in various environments, a single panel can be resolved, so the mass production,The digital clock companies, schools, hospitals, stations and other places to do the promotion, and the clock is accurate, long service life, power outages do not have to worry about missing clock adjustment, because the power situation is very easy to know.

    Key words:  digital clock,AT89C51,alarm clock,,internal clocking


    1  前言 4

    1.1  多功能数字钟设计背景 4

    1.2  多功能数字钟设计意义 4

    1.3  多功能数字钟设计任务 5

    系统方案设计 5

    2.1  多功能数字钟系统设计思路 5

    2.2  多功能数字钟系统设计方案 5

    2.3  系统器件选取方案 6

    3  系统硬件设计 7

    3.1  电路综述 7

    3.2  控制器部分 8

    3.3  显示器部分 12

    3.4  74HC573部分 14

    3.5  蜂鸣器部分 12

    3.6  按键部分 16

    4  系统软件设计 18

    4.1  设计流程 18

    4.2  时钟部分 19

    4.3  蜂鸣器部分 20

    4.4  数码管部分 20

    4.5  按键部分 21

    5  系统测试 22

    5.1  硬件的仿真测试 22

    5.2  软件的仿真测试 22

    5.3  测试结果与分析

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