


    Abstract: Today, the community is essential to lift vehicles, transporting passengers and cargo plays a great role. Rather than using the relay - a traditional elevator contactor control, the use of PLC control system and configuration software can be a good solution to many contacts, failure is high, the amount of maintenance and other issues. The elevator is more safe, convenient and comfortable. This paper introduces three text-based PLC elevator control system software design and configuration. Detailed structure and composition of the elevator and the elevator PLC and King in the design of programming. Also explained the structure, language, elevator design of the PLC application. Also describes the basic principles of software configuration king and usage, as well as its monitoring in the elevator design and simulation of human-machine interface. The system not only realizes the elevator control and monitoring, and the realization of the elevator simulation and debugging. Finally, attach detailed STEP7 programming languages, and King realize man-machine interface. Elevator control system solutions provided by the paper can always monitor the operational status of the elevator, while addressing the poor reliability, failure rate, and other issues.

    Keywords:PLC, Configuration Software, elevator 

     目  录

    1 绪论 4

    2三层电梯控制系统的设计原理 4

    2.1 PLC的简介 4

    2.2 PLC的工作原理和编程语言 5

    2.3电梯的简介 6

    2.3电梯系统控制流程图和控制结构图 7

    2.5组态软件的简介 8

    2.6 组态王软件功能特点 9

    3三层电梯控制系统的设计方案 10

    3.1程序设计的具体内容 10

    3.2三层电梯控制程序流程图 11

    3.3 I/O分配表 11

    3.4三层电梯控制系统程序梯形图 13

    3.5组态王的设备配置 14

    3.6监控画面制作 15

    3.7定义I/O数据词典 16

    3.8动画连接 17

    3.9编写命令语言 18

    3.10运行调试。 19

    结  论 20

    参考文献 21

    致  谢

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