
    摘 要:本文对配电网进行分块处理,将网络分解为只含耦合点的区域和不含耦合的区段。在此基础上提出了基于配电网拓扑结构分块的故障定位算法,首先对配电网进行分块描述,然后利用各分块配电网的顶点故障信息确定故障所在分块,最后利用该分块内各节点的故障信息就能确定故障所发生的具体馈线。配电网发生故障后,需要利用恢复重构来实现对非故障区域的恢复供电。配电网重构的目标很多,本文采用配电网网损最小为优化目标。考虑到恢复重构对实时性的要求,在支路算法的基础上,通过合理的是参数简化,提出了基于电压降的配电网故障恢复重构。算法具有计算量小,重构效率高的特点。55826


    Abstract:In this paper, the distribution network block, the network is decomposed intocontaining only coupling point of regional and non coupling section. Based on the topological structure of distribution network fault location algorithm based on block by block, the first description of the distribution network, and then use the vertex fault information of each block distribution network to determine faultblock, the specific end use of the fault information of the feeder can block all nodes within definite fault. Distribution network fault restoration, need to use to achieve the non fault area to restore power supply. Distribution network reconfiguration goal, the distribution network loss minimum as the optimization target. Taking into account the restoration of real-time, based on branchalgorithm, through the reasonable parameters is simplified, the distribution network fault recovery based on the reconstruction of the voltage drop. The algorithm has less calculation, high efficiency characteristics of reconstruction.

    Keywords: network topology description: distribution automation; fault location;restoration.

    目  录

    第1章 绪论 4

    1.1背景 4

    1.2配电系统综述 4

    1.2.1我国配电网现状及存在的问题 5

    1.2.2 配电自动化 5

    1.2.3 配电网故障定位及重构国内外研究现状 6

    1.3 本文主要的研究内容 7

    第2章 配电网故障定位及网络重构数学模型 8

    2.1 配电网拓扑描述 8

    2.1.1 配电网拓扑结构特点 8

    2.1.2 拓扑结构的要求 9

    2.2 配电网有向图描述 9

    2.3 配电网拓扑分析方法 10

    2.3.1 矩阵法 11

    2.4 配电网重构的数学模型 11

    2.4.1 以提高电压稳定性为目标 12

    2.4.2 以均衡网络负荷为目标 13

    2.5 本章小结 14

    第3章 配电网故障恢复重构 14

    3.1 配电网重构主要算法 14

    3.1.1 数学优化算法 14

    3.1.2 支路交换法 14

    3.1.3 遗传算法 16

    3.2 基于电压降的配电网恢复重构 16

    3.2.1 算法原理

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