
    摘 要:在电子技术中,频率是最基本的参数之一,并且与许多电参量的测量方案、测量结果都有十分密切的关系。数字频率计是一个将被测频率显示出来的装置,其广泛应用于各个领域,在许多设计复杂、功能多样的电子设备中,都使用了数字频率计。本设计以89C51单片机为核心,应用单片机的算术运算和控制功能并采用LED数码显示管将所测频率显示出来。此外,通过控制单片机的各项功能和运算操作能力进而来实现周期和频率间的计数和数据的保存。通过这样的设计能测量频率10Hz-10kHz,这既达到了设计所要求的频率测量范围,又达到了较高的精确度。测量时,将被测输入信号送给单片机,通过程序控制计数,结果送数码管显示频率值。系统简单可靠、操作简易,能基本满足一般情况下的需要。本频率计设计简洁,便于携带,扩展能力强,适用范围广。


    Abstract: Among electronic technology, frequency is one of the most basic parameters, and the measurement scheme with a lot of electric parameters, the measurement results are very close relations, so the measurement of frequency is more important. The digital frequency meter is a measured frequency display device, which is widely used in various fields, in many complex design, various functions of electronic equipment, use the digital frequency meter. The design 89C51 microcontroller as the core, arithmetic and control functions of SCM and the application of LED digital display tube the frequency display. In addition, by controlling the microcontroller's each function and operation ability and to achieve preservation period and frequency counting and data. Through this design can measure the frequency of 10Hz-10kHz, which achieves the design requirements of the frequency measurement range, and high accuracy. During the measurement, the measured input signal is sent to the microcontroller, through program control, counting, the results sent to the digital tube display frequency value. The system is simple and reliable, easy to operate, can basically meet the needs of the general case. Not only ensure the precision of frequency measurement system, and the system has good real-time performance. The frequency meter design is simple, easy to carry, strong expanding ability, wide application range.

    Keywords: 89C51, frequency meter, frequency measurement, LED display

    目  录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1课题背景 4

    1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 5

    1.3 毕业设计所用的方法 5

    2. 频率计总体方案设计 5

    2.1方案比较 5

    2.2方案论证 6

    2.3方案选择 7

    3. 频率计的硬件系统设计 7

    3.1频率计的硬件系统框架 7

    3.2频率计的主机电路设计 7

    3.2.1  89C51芯片介绍 8

    3.2.2  单片机复位状态 9

    3.3频率计的LED驱动电路 10

    3.4频率计显示电路的设计 11

    4. 频率计软件系统设计 13

    4.1 软件设计规划 13

    4.1.1信号处理 13

    4.1.2中断控制 14


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