
    摘要:汽车行业的迅速发展使得汽车检测技术兴起。设计基于虚拟仪器的车辆性能测试系统,可以不用解体汽车就可以测试、诊断车辆的各项指标,通过分析现阶段虚拟仪器技术,利用图形化虚拟仪器编程软件Labview 完成了车辆综合参数测试应用程序的设计。本次设计针对汽车发动机温度和转速的检测,设计以STC89C52作为主控芯片,温度采集使用温度传感器来采集温度,将采集到的电压信号处理后经过A/D转换,通过串行口发送到Labview编写的上位机程序中处理数据并显示,转速测量则同样由光电传感器采集到脉冲信号作类似的处理。检测所得数据误差小精度高,对汽车其他参数检测具有指导意义。56963

    毕业论文关键词: 虚拟仪器技术;车辆性能测试;STC89C52单片机;labview

    Abstract: The rapid development of the automotive industry makes the vehicle detection technology rise.The design of vehicle performance test system based on virtual instrument, can the indicators do not disintegrate vehicles can test, diagnostic vehicle, through the analysis of the virtual instrument technology at present, virtual instrument programming software Labview completed the design application test vehicle parameters using graphics.Detection of the design of the car engine temperature and speed, the design takes STC89C52 as the main control chip, temperature acquisition using the temperature sensor to collect temperature, the voltage signal processing the collected after A/D conversion, through the serial port to send to Labview prepared by the computer program of data processing and display, speed measurement is by the same photoelectric sensor to the pulse signal for similar treatment. Detection of the small data error of high precision, has guiding significance for detecting other parameters of automobile.

    Keywords: Virtual instrument technology; vehicle performance test;STC89C52; LabVIEW


    1 前言 4

    2 虚拟仪器 4

    2.1 labview简介 5

    2.2虚拟仪器类型与特点 5

    3 虚拟仪器在汽车检测中的应用 6

    3.1汽车检测的目的 6

    3.2虚拟仪器应用于操作稳定性和制动性能检测 7

    3.3虚拟仪器应用于发动机诊断与检测 8

    3.4虚拟仪器应用于汽车防抱死系统 9

    3.5虚拟仪器在液力变矩器的应用 10

    4硬件设计 11

    4.1汽车发动机温度检测硬件设计 11

    4.1.1单片机主控电路 12

    4.1.2 TC1047温度采集传感器 13

    4.1.3 RC低通滤波电路 14

    4.1.4 OP07放大电路 15

    4.1.5 A/D转换电路 16

    4.2发动机转速测量硬件设计 15

    4.2.1信号的采集 15

    4.2.2主控单片机 15

    5 软件的设计 15

    5.1 labview界面设计 15

    5.2上位机程序图设计 16

    5.3 数据处理 17

    5.4 数据的存储与读取 18


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