    摘要:带搅拌釜式反应器(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, CSTR)是一种复杂的非线性化学反应器,随着生产的发展,广泛应用于化工、发酵、石油生产、生物制药等工业生产过程中,成为发展国民经济的重要化工设备之一。结合控制要求,通过分析工艺流程,本论文设计了串级PID分程控制方案。方案选定后,进行了硬件和软件的选择。硬件上选用西门子公司的S7-300 PLC,并用相应的STEP7软件编程。然后采用西门子开发的组态王组态软件设计监控画面,并利用Winccflexible软件对系统进行了仿真。HMI是(Human Machine Interface )的缩写,“人机接口”,也叫人机界面。人机界面(又称用户界面或使用者界面)是系统和用户之间进行交流和信息交换的媒介,它实现信息的内部形式与人类可以接受形式之间的转换。9096
    关键词: 带搅拌釜式反应器,西门子S7-300PLC,HMI
    Continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR)control system development(HMI)
    Abstract: Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor is a kind of complex non-linear chemical reactor, with the development of production, are widely used in chemical industry, fermentation, oil production, biological, pharmaceutical and other industrial production process, become one of the important chemical equipment development of the national economy. Combined with the control requirements, through the analysis process, this paper design the cascade PID process control plan. Scheme is selected, the selection of hardware and software. Hardware and the use of Siemens S7-300 PLC, and the corresponding STEP7 programming software. Then use kingview configuration software developed by Siemens design monitoring screen, and use the winccflexible software on the system are simulated.The abbreviation of HMI is the Human Machine Interface, man-machine Interface, also known as the man-machine Interface. Man-machine interface (also known as the user interface or the user interface) is the interaction between system and user and the information exchange medium, it can realize the internal form and human accept form conversion between.
    Keywords: stirring tank reactor, Siemens S7-300 PLC and HMI
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 文献综述    1
    1.2.1 组态王的发展    1
    1.2.2组态王的结构    2
    1.2.3组态王的特点    2
    1.2.4组态王的国内应用    2
    1.2.5组态王的未来发展    2
    1.3 本文的主要工作    3
    2工艺流程    4
    2.1 工艺流程概述    4
    2.2 工艺过程分析    5
    2.2.1进料流量及比值控制、转化率控制    5
    2.2.2反应停留时间控制    6
    2.2.3 反应温度控制    7
    2.2.4反应器压力安全控制    7
    3系统配置与规划    8
    3.1 系统概述    8
    3.1.1 串级PID分程控制方案的控制流程图    9
    3.1.2 控制过程分析    9
    3.2 硬件系统    10
    3.2.1 I/O选择    10
    3.2.2 调节阀选型    13
    3.2.3检测变送器选型    15
    3.3软件系统    17
    3.3.1 控制流程图设计    17
    4 监控界面设计    19
    4.1 设计的技术要求    19
    4.2 监控界面要求    19
    4.3 人机界面触摸屏的基本知识    19
    4.3.1 SIMATIC HMI的概述    19
    4.3.2 Wincc flexible 系统概述    20
    4.4系统画面的设计    21
    4.4.1初始画面    21
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