摘要本文主要是对火焰燃料电池阴极材料的制备及其性能研究。燃料电池的研究对于未 来能源战略与安全有着重要意义,美国、欧盟、日本等国相继出台了各种政策推动燃料 电池的商业化,我国的燃料电池研究在―863‖计划等项目支持下也取得很大突破。本文将 Mn2O3 作为燃料电池阴极材料,以乙酸锰(Mn(CH3COO)2)及硝酸镁(Mg(NO3)2) 为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了 Mn2O3 粉体及 Mn2O3 掺杂 MgO 粉体。接着,本文利用 O2-TPD 法和 XRD 法对电池的性能进行了研究,考察了 Mn2O3 在不同温度下的氧吸附脱 附能力,发现温度越高 Mn2O3 的释氧速率越快;对比了 900℃温度条件下 Mn2O3 与 Mn2O3 掺杂 MgO 释氧性能,知道了掺杂 MgO 使 Mn2O3 释氧速率变快。然后,对 Mn2O3 进行了 动力学分析,分别建立了十四个数学模型对 Mn2O3 转化率与时间的关系进行拟合,发现 相边界反应模型(n=2)的线性相关系数最接近于 1,将所得值带入机理函数 Arrhenius equation 中,可以求出 Mn2O3 的活化能。最后利用 X 射线衍射仪测量了制得粉体释氧前 后的 XRD 谱,可知 Mn2O3 释氧后得 Mn3O4。80216

毕业论文关键词 火焰燃料电池 溶胶-凝胶 O2-TPD 法 XRD 法 动力学分析

Title Preparation and Properties of flame fuel cell cathode  materia

Abstract This article is about Preparation and Properties of flame fuel cell cathode material。 Fuel cell research for future energy strategy and security is of great significance,the United States,European Union, Japan and other countries have introduced a variety of policies to promote the commercialization of fuel cells,Fuel cell research in our country has also made great breakthrough with the support of "863" and other projects。 In this article, Mn2O3 will be used  as a fuel cell cathode material。what's more ,manganese acetate (Mn (CH3COO) 2) and magnesium nitrate (Mg (NO3) 2) is served as a raw material by sol-gel to prepare Mn2O3 powder and Mn2O3 doped with MgO powder。 Next, battery performance was studied in the way of O2-TPD method and XRD method。we investigated Mn2O3 oxygen adsorption and desorption capacity at different temperatures and found that the higher the temperature the faster the rate of oxygen   release,and

compared Mn2O3  and Mn2O3  doped MgO oxygen releasing performance at 900 ℃ temperature

conditions,finding that Mn2O3 doped with MgO was make the oxygen release rate becomes faster。 Then, Mn2O3 were dealt with the kinetic analysis, fourteen mathematical models of the relationship Mn2O3 conversion rate and time to fit were established,found that the linear correlation coefficient found of Phase boundary reaction model is closest to 1, and the   resulting

value into the mechanism function Arrhenius equation, the activation energy of Mn2O3 can be obtained。At last,we use the X-ray diffraction measurement to obtaine powder  XRD spectra before and after releasing oxygen, which was found Mn2O3 became Mn3O4 after oxygen releasing。

Keywords    flame fuel cell      sol-gel      O2-TPD method      XRD      kinetic analysis


1 引言 1

1。1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1。2 固体燃料电池 2

1。3 燃料电池的分类 2

1。4 燃料电池的原理与结构 6

1。5 本文研究的目的与内容 9

2 阴极材料的制备及性能测试












