    Title    Model Comparison and Development of Data
    Interface Program between BPA and PSS/E
    Power system simulation is the foundation of power system designing, planning and operation. It has become the essential tool to research the power system dynamic characteristics. Along with the introduction of overseas power system simulation software, it becomes the necessity to study similarities and differences between them and the original software, and develop software data interface program. This article does the main work as follow: Research the similarities and differences of generator model and load model between power system simulation software PSS/E and BPA and carry on the model parameter transformation; contrast the simulation results of BPA and PSS/E, and carry on the error analysis by using the power system simulation error indicator, which full prove the validation of model transmission of the two software; develop the data interface program of BPA and PSS/E, and transmit the Jiang Su power grid data from BPA format to PSS/E format, which get close results in simulation.
    Key words:  Power system simulation    generator model   load model       data interface program
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2开发BPA—PSS/E数据接口程序的必要性    2
    1.3 BPA与PSS/E接口程序开发与模型比对研究现状    3
    2 BPA与PSS/E程序简介    5
    2.1 PSS/E程序简介    5
    2.2  PSD-BPA程序简介    6
    3 PSS/E与BPA仿真模型对比    18
    3.1 BPA与PSS/E潮流数据比较    18
    3.2 BPA与PSS/E稳定数据模型比较    19
    4 BPA-PSS/E接口程序的开发    24
    4.1 引言    24
    4.2 转换程序结构    24
    4.3 转换程序实现与使用    25
    4.4 接口程序有效性验证    27
    总结    29
    致谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1 绪论
    目前国内广泛采用的电力系统分析软件有中国版BPA电力系统潮流及暂态稳定分析程序。其中“BPA电力系统分析程序”是由中国电力科学研究院从美国BPA引进的。国内一些电网公司及研究机构为了提高自己电网的分析仿真能力,又先后从国外引进了一批新的电力系统仿真软件作为自己验证计算的后备软件,如:PSS/E、Power Factory等。这对于确定分析计算的准确性,保证软件的可靠性上还是很有必要的[3]。
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