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时间:2021-01-12 20:51来源:毕业论文
参考 文献 [1] Albert Wijeweera,Renato VillanoBrain Dollery An Economitric Analysis of Economic growth and FDI InflowsSchool of Economics, University of New England (Nov,1997),P1770-1786 [2] Chin-H


[1] Albert Wijeweera,Renato Villano&Brain Dollery “An Economitric Analysis of Economic growth and FDI Inflows”School of Economics, University of New England (Nov,1997),P1770-1786

[2] Chin-Hong Puah, Jerome Swee-Hui Kueh, Evan Lau “The Implications of Emergence of China Towards Asean-5:FDI-GDP Perspective” University of Malasyasia Sarawak

[3]Dharmendra Dhakal “Foreign Direct Invesment and Economic Growth in Asia” Department of Economics and Finance,Tennessee State University

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[6]Oscar Eddy Kiiza “The causal Relationship Between Foriegn Direct investment and Economic Growth:Case Study of Uganda”School of Managment,Cranfield University

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[8]V.N.Balasubramanyam,M.Salisu and David Sapsford “ForeignDdirect Investment and Growth in Ep and IS Countries” The Economic Journal.Vol.106.No.434(Jan,1996),pp92-105

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[10]德.刚敖其尔.2005.“经济增长中的外国部门的参与” www.MONGOLBANK.mn


